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Today is Monday, the first school day of the week. I don't mind, school for us is literally a cramped little room about 4 meters from our set. I've spent years studying online and taking classes from a boring tutor, so this is just the norm.
"Hey, Bonnie, what did you get for number 15?" Karan asks me.
"I haven't done it yet," I lie. I don't want to tell them that I'm still doing 9th grade math questions, I didn't pass the last test so the tutor kept me behind.
Cameron looks down at my laptop and then to me, "I thought you were sixteen?"
"I am," my cheeks turn crimson red and I lower my voice, "I'm just not good at math."
He chuckles, causing everyone's attention to revert to us, "I won't tell. I can tutor you."
"Really? That would be great."
Skai's jaw drops at the sight of Cameron laughing.
Closing his MacBook and putting it on the floor, he takes mine from me and places it in his lap, "Kidding. But I'll fill in some answers."
I watch him type away at my worksheet whilst checking my phone. I look up to his cute concentration face; he bites his lip a little and squints at the screen. It's pretty darn hot.
"Snap out of it, Bonnie!" I think to myself, actually shouting it out loud and receiving a cold glare from Cameron.
Peyton wiggles her eyebrows, "Ooh! Bonnie's in looove!"
He hands me back my computer and whispers, "You agreed you wouldn't do this."
"I never agreed to anything." I say through gritted teeth.
Aggressively, Cameron stuffs his MacBook into his backpack and storms towards the door, "I'm heading home. Thompson, you coming?"
Everyone looks at me, thinking Cameron and I are actually a thing.
"Fine." I throw my bag over my shoulder, "You can drive."
I sit in the passenger seat of Cameron's stupid, obnoxious, rich boy BMW and let him speed his way back to his house. Honestly, his driving could give you a heart attack.
"Either you're drunk, or you barely passed your test." I laugh as he guides me into the hallway. It's quiet, no one seems to be home.
Taking out a small bottle of Jack Daniels, he sniggers, "Both. Follow me."
We jog upstairs and into his bedroom. I burst into a coughing fit as soon as he closes the door and he sits at his desk surrounded by things my parents wouldn't even let me watch on TV.
I manage to get out a sentence through choking on the disgusting smells, "You do drugs in your room?"
"Not always!" He defends himself, rolling up something and placing it in between his lips, "Sometimes I smoke out the window."
Horrified and sickened by the sight, I fold my arms and glare at him, "Funny. This is gross. Disgusting. Just, ew. I can't imagine how you live like this. I can't believe I trusted you "
"Want some?" His sticky palm offers me some weed.
Slightly offended by his gesture, I smack his hand away and sit myself far away from him.
His slightly intoxicated chuckle bounces around the room, "It's an evil world, Thompson, learn to trust less." He states, lighting the joint and inhaling.
"You're evil." I spit. He puts his feet up, getting high right next to me.
It makes me nauseous just watching him smoke this. Although the way he relaxes through the alcohol and the drugs draws me in, in a way; it makes me more attracted to him, yet I still find him repulsive.
"So are you gonna just sit there and stare at me or what?" He snaps me out of my daydream.
I blush awkwardly, thinking dirty things about him, ", sure. You want to go for a walk?"
"Okay," he stands up, putting on his jacket, "No smoking though, right?"
I shake my head, but I know that he'll have some on him.
Cameron stares at me directly in the eyes, making my stomach flip and I melt completely.
"Hand them over." I say, waiting.
He pushes my arm back down to my side, "I don't have anything. It was my last box. I swear."
Casually, we head outside and stroll to the park.
"I don't believe you." I smirk, shoving him a little.
His eyes are playful, but I can't help but feel like they're flirty, "Really? Frisk me."

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