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"Holy shit!" I jump up out of my chair, my forehead drenched with sweat.
Cameron is lying (hopefully) asleep in his bed, still wearing his ugly hospital dress thing. I dive towards him, checking his arms. His stitches are perfect; they're all tight and neat, and they haven't been ripped out.
We're still in the ER. It was all just a dream.
I hug his weak body, "Cameron, thank God you're not dead."
"Dead? When did I die?" He laughs, waking up and tapping the bed for me to sit down.
Exhausted, I wipe my brow and sit next to him, "I had the worst nightmare ever. You don't even want to know what happened."
He chuckles softly, and his eyes meet mine.
It's a little awkward, and Cameron clears his throat, "I get out of here today."
A smile spreads across my rosy face, "Awesome. Everyone's missed you."
He laughs, hinting that he knows I'm lying, every though I'm really not.
"You haven't done anything that important while I've been gone, have you?" Cameron asks me.
"Well," I pause, "We had one rehearsal,  Karan officially hates me, and that's pretty much it. We have a table read tomorrow afternoon at 2, so here's your script."
He stuffs it into his bag and then turns back to me, "So you really stayed here all night? For me?"
I nod, blushing like crazy, "Well, I couldn't just leave you on your own. Who knows what could've happened!"
I suddenly get weird flashbacks and visions from that horrific nightmare, making my palms sweaty from nerves.
A doctor barges in through the door, snapping me out of my thoughts, "Mr Boyce, you have one last check up before you can be discharged." He spots me and looks me up and down, "Hm, is this your girlfriend? You know that I told you visiting time is over-"
I widen my eyes when Cameron speaks, "Yes, my girlfriend. Let her stay please, I love her...very much."
I can almost see him gagging.
"Alright," the doctor glares at me, "I'll meet you both outside my office in two minutes."
He leaves and Cameron jumps out of his bed with more energy than I've ever seen him have before.
Grabbing my hand, he pulls me out into the hallway. I chuckle, happy to see him back to normal
"C'mon, girlfriend. I just totally saved your ass."

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