July 30 2014. 2:28am

605 31 7


I can't mess up this time. Not after what happened in March. So much more work was put into this, so if it all goes to shit then I don't know what I'll do.
I dig my hands down deeper into my pockets, walking full speed away from the city. I'm surprised I could even get out the house, what with all the security on the front door.
Crying, I push my legs to walk faster as I get out of the town. The bridge is in clear sight now.
I feel awful for just sneaking out of Cameron's house without a note or anything. But this is what I want, it's what has to be done.
At last, I reach the bridge outside of town. There aren't many cars, but then again it is 2am.
Shakily I step up with one foot onto the edge of the bridge, sticking out my arms for balance. More tears begin to pour down my cheeks, dripping off the bridge and into the water below.
I place my other foot up and take a deep breath, putting my arms by my sides.
"I'm sorry Cameron." I whisper, leaning forward to fall to my death like I hoped would happen.
As I stumble, somebody grabs my wrist, pulling me back up and onto the edge again.
I hit the person in the chest, "What the hell?!"
They pull down their hood, revealing curly blonde hair and a tanned handsome face.
The boy chuckles, "That didn't hurt if that's what you were trying to do."
I quickly wipe away the tears on my face and then turn my back on him.
There's a minute of tense silence, but he doesn't leave, so I speak up.
"What are you here for?" I ask him.
He stands up on the edge of the bridge next to me, "Perception and clarity. I like to pretend that I'm up here playing SimCity, looking down on the little objects and feeling in control of them all."
"That's nice," I say, smiling, "I don't belong in your little Sim world. That's why I'm up here."
He chuckles again, "Silly little girl," we make eye contact, "I don't know you personally, so I don't know why you're doing this, but you're a beautiful young woman, and I'm sure there must be someone who loves you so much that doing this would destroy them. Like, I heard you say Cameron. I bet he loves you more than anything in the world."
"He does," I tell him, looking down at my feet, "But that's all. My parents don't. I don't have any friends. And people just take me and abuse me because I'm-"
He cuts me off, "I know you're Isabella Carpenter. And I am fully aware that my sister would be screaming and fangirling if she were in my position right now."
I laugh a little.
"You inspire her so much, Isabella. She suffers from leukemia, and when she's feeling her worst in hospital, your videos and pictures never fail to cheer her up. Think of all the other people in the world like my sister, all of your friends and fans, they can't live without you. And that's because they love you so, so much." He continues.
Sighing, I step off of the bridge and stand on the sidewalk, "You're right. But it's not that easy."
"But you can get through it. You just need people you can trust and openly talk about this with."
I look up at him and he smiles.
"Look, let me walk you back to your house. I'm not leaving you until I know that you're somewhere safe, okay?"
"Okay." I sniffle, and he jumps down, walking beside me as I lead the way.

We reach the house after about ten minutes, and the boy takes my hand and looks me dead in the eyes.
"You have to promise me you won't try this again." He instructs, "Go inside to Cameron and cuddle or something. Let him make you feel better, got it?"
"I got it. Thank you so much." I give him a small hug.
He hands me a piece of paper with his phone number on, "I'm Evan, by the way. You call me anytime you need me."
I wave as he walks away, and then he pulls up his hood and disappears into the city again.
As I open the door and walk up to Cameron's bedroom, Evan's words start to make me change my mind about everything I've ever tried to do to myself.
I look at Cameron's sleeping body and climb into bed next to him, but I turned my back away from him.
Guilt rushes over me, but maybe Evan cares about me more than anyone else.
Maybe I need Evan more than I need Cameron.

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