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Sunday Funday, am I right?
No, I'm not.
We've been called in for an 'emergency' filming for Jessie today. I don't know why, I thought we finished filming episode 3.
"Cameron. Can I come in?" My mom asks.
I slam the empty bottle on my desk, "Sure."
She looks at me worriedly, "Honey, you're a mess-"
"I know, mother, I have been for so long. Accept it. Dad has. Maya has. Why can't you?" Smoke from my cigarette fills the room as I speak.
"Because you're my baby," she says, teary eyed, "I can't let my son live like this."
I roll my eyes, "I'm not a baby anymore. And this is my life. This is how I live now. I'm addicted, there's nothing you can do."
"I can find you a support group or someone-"
I cut her off and yell, standing up and knocking my chair onto the floor, "I don't need support!"
Mom backs away.
"All I need is to be left alone. Forever. Let me drink, smoke, and do drugs until I don't need to get high anymore. Is it that difficult to understand?"
She doesn't say anything, just exits and shuts the door behind her.
I check my phone for the time, 11:30am. Filming starts in thirty minutes.
My dad literally stole my car keys from me and locked my car away, so now the only way I can get to work is for him to drive me.
"Can we go now?" I ask my father unenthusiastically.
He nods, not even making eye contact with me, and we get into his car and drive to the studio.
Half way through the journey I break the silence, "I'm sober, by the way."
"Somehow I don't believe you." He replies sarcastically.
It's understandable, I guess. And I do reek of alcohol too.
For the rest of the time I decide it's better to shut up and stare out the window.
My dad parks outside the door, tells me to get out, and then drives off. Dick.
Sluggishly, I make my way to Set 8 to see Pamela, Bob, the camera men, makeup, and Bonnie standing and waiting.
"You're late." Bob says harshly.
I take off my jacket and stand next to Bonnie, "Sorry. Where is everyone?"
He shakes it off and continues, "We just called you two in today. We have a script change, slightly."
Two men dressed in plain clothes hand us both an updated script and I read through it, not really noticing any difference.
"We want Luke and Chloe to have interest in each other. Love interest, to be precise." Pamela adds.
Of course they would, it's fucking Disney!
Bonnie looks horrified, "I don't think I can, I'm sorry."
"Yeah, we can barely tolerate each other off camera." I laugh. She looks at me angrily.
"Guys, come on! This would be great for the show!" Bob tells us, "At least let us test it out."
And before we could say anything else, we were in Luke's bedroom holding hands.
"Okay, Cameron, don't worry about lines, just push her hair out of her face and kiss her. No biggie." Bob shrugs, yelling through the megaphone.
I nudge Thompson away, "No biggie? I can't do this!"
"It's only acting, guys!" He shouts once more.
Bonnie is shaking but she nods and looks me in the eyes, "It's just for the show, Cameron. We can forget all about it."
It's what Bella wanted, Cameron. Just do it, you pussy.
'Action' echoes around the set and we both lean in, eyes wide open in fear.
"Fuck this, I can't do it." I say, shoving my co-star out of the way and running outside.
I take out a cigarette and sit down on the wall, lighting it and putting it to my lips.
"I'm not that bad, am I?" I turn to see Bonnie, obviously, joining me on the wall.
Before speaking I exhale the smoke, "No. I kiss cigarette filters, not girls."
She chuckles, "So you like boys? That's cool. I can dig that."
"No, you dumbass," I laugh, for the first time in months, "I'm straight. I just don't date."
"Why? If you don't mind me asking."
I try come up with some lame excuse, "I don't know," I take another drag of the cigarette, "Let's just say my last relationship ended...badly. I'm not into it anymore."
Bonnie nods, noticing I don't want to talk about it, "Okay, that's fine. We don't have to date off camera, you know. And it's only one kiss, then you can pretend we never even touched."
"Fine, you're right." Rolling my eyes as I agree to kiss her, I stamp out my cigarette, "And as we're being all friendly, can you give me a ride home?"
"Yes." She says and my face lights up,
"But only if you agree to hang out after school on Monday. I really do think you're interesting."
We stroll towards her car and I agree, "Sure. Come to my place. And I really do think you're weird, Thompson."
Sniggering, she pushes me into the passenger seat, "Hey, I'd rather be weird and kiss you than lose my job!"

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