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I cling to the edge of the rusted boat
Jagged lines digging into my fingers
The feeling of seasickness fades
But the ghost a deep sadness still lingers

The waters waver between blue and jade green
Rocking the boat back and forth
I can see waves gently breaking in the distance
Getting farther and farther away as I head North

The radio plays, an old tune crackling
Wind drifts over a flat expanse
Birds circle each other, looking to kill
A simple act in a deadly romance

I want to reach out, I want to scream
I want to let go, and fall forever
Swim in the sea and sink to the floor
All pieces in a pointless endeavour

I want to touch the sandy floor and inhale water
Let out a stream of bubbles as my final breath
I want to die with my eyes open
I want to float, beautiful in death

I lay adrift in this broken boat
Pushed out of service many years ago
Lichen and barnacles cling to the hull
And the sides, oblivious to the water's flow

Now the land is out of sight
I can no longer see the foamy breakers
They reassured me, but now I cannot look back
Cannot look into the face of the distinguished fakers

I want to feel the air around my arms
I want to live, I want to fly
I want to see the land below
I want to touch the floor and die

I look down towards the seabed
The waters are murky and I can't see the ground
And so I jump in, tip over the edge
Into the depths where my body will never be found

Autumn 2015

you can just skip this.

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