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And so by the light of a candle do my fickle thoughts flicker
It started as a trickle, and now a torrent, faster, thicker

The sun is now a distant, cold, retreating memory
Its golden light growing old as the circle depresses, weary

A swirling whirl of contemplation spirals in my mind
My reasoning failing to sustain; now several steps behind

No matter how hard I try to collapse into blissful oblivion
The simple notion evades me until I dream of a pavilion

The blazing rage of fire hazing in the impaired vision of dreams
Unreal and slow but the pain is real and so are the piercing screams

The piercing screams of terrified children who cower in pain and fear
They speak of anguish I'd rather not hear, momentous and sincere

Cries of horror and understanding forces them to grow before their time
And I can do nought but sit and watch and wallow in grime

A sound so terrible it bores indents into my skull
I'd give anything, even my life, for the agony to dull

Even in a dreamland I feel myself collapse into psychopathy
An unsuspecting victim of the double edged blade of empathy

And with a jolt I awake, but the pain does not cease
Indeed the fire of my head gives me not one second of peace

It is not my incessant thoughts that cause me such dispair
They are nothing compared to the smouldering wreck of my hair

With that thought, and the realisation I sought, the flame reignites
Such is the nature of the pain there is no option of fight or flight

Desperately, resignedly, I reach for the bottle of liquor
As by the light of hell do the fickle flames flicker

Autumn 2015

u kno when u wanna rhyme that...much..

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