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It hurts, my dear, it hurts so bad
I wanted things I could never have
Now I'm paying for it, dear, and it's driving me mad
Stuck in this world,
That's crumbling around me whilst I sit and watch

I could have told you, my dear, that I know
But my desire for these things went beyond an addiction
Now I'm paying for it, dear, and I started days ago
Stuck in this mind,
That's deteriorating with every thought I have

I know I don't look old, my dear, but that I am
I am a wasted soul, aged beyond my years
Now I'm paying for it, dear, I'm paying, madame
Stuck in this mindset
That's falling apart as you sit and watch

I say I don't need love, my dear, but you know I do
I am not as cold and unfeeling as I led you believe
Now I'm paying for it, dear, I can't do it without you
Stuck in this ice cage
And it's melting, melting as I fall into tears

I can't see, my dear, my eyes have gone black
My breathing is shallow and I can't hear a sound
I'm paying for it, dear, as my grip goes slack
Stuck in this void
Because I died, and I died knowing that I didn't tell you.
I didn't tell you.

Autumn 2015

for the love of god save your eyes and don't read this ever again

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