Calum Imagine: Fratboy

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"He is so hot."
"I wish he could be mine."
"He's every girl's dream."
"Yeah, but isn't Calum a player? You really want to go out with a guy like that?" You blurted out and the three girls looked back at you with judging eyes.
"(Y/N), you're just being a prude." One girl says.
"No, I'm just being logical." You said standing up from your seat at the bleachers. "Each and every single girl in this campus will drool over Calum Hood because he shows off his charm. He has all of you built up with the idea that you are the one and you can change him from his bad ways." You say and they sputter to find a comeback. You turn around about to leave only to bump into Calum who was just about to join fifa practice.
"(Y/N), came to watch?" He says smiling at you.
"I have things to study." You said bitterly before leaving.
"Seriously, what is her problem?" You heard one of the girls ask.
"She is always so mean to you." Another says and all you could hear was Calum chuckling and agree to that last statement.
You and Calum weren't always like that, in fact you were friends since your freshman year of college. It all changed when you entered your second year and he decided to join a fraternity, some how after initiation he changed. To be honest you thought you were going to have a thing with Calum, you thought there was something going on between you two when he asked you to the summer bonfire. When you got there, his lips were pressed against someone else and your feelings were shattered.
Since that day you've ignored Calum, and the more you two ignored each other, the more Calum's attitude got worse. You were both on your last year of college and already he has earned the title of being a heart breaker that every girl thinks they could change.
"(Y/N)!" You heard Calum call out on your way back to the dorm. He looked tired and sweaty due to his fifa practice."You walk fast." He says.
"Maybe I didn't want you to catch up." You said and he chuckles. You gave him a glare and he stopped.
"(Y/N), please don't be like this, it's been 2 years." He says and you turn around still glaring.
"You really expect me to just forgive you after what you did? You led me on Calum... That fraternity turned you into such a.... Such a-" You said but got cut off feeling Calum's lips pressed against yours.
You tried shoving him away but liked this feeling. Butterflies in your stomach and your heart racing, but kissing him only reminded you of the bonfire. "Calum, you can't just do that!" You said wiping your mouth and tears starting to form.
"You seemed to like it, what's the big deal?"
"Calum, are you freaking serious.... The bonfire 2 years back."
"(Y/N), you don't even understand what happened that night."
"Explain to me then, explain to me why you were kissing another girl when I thought we...." You said before biting your lip shut.
"I was drunk and I didn't mean to kiss her-"
"You were drunk, that is your explanation?"
"What do you want me to say??" He says slightly irritated.
"I want you to tell me to stay, I wanted you to run after me but instead you just.... Forget it, I'm being too complicated. Have fun with your fraternity." You said walking away.
Since that day Calum went back to ignoring you. You kept glancing at him, checking if he was looking your way. You concluded that it was better that way.
Eventually it was time for the bonfire again, usually you would skip it, but you thought that since it was your last year, you would attend it for the sake of memories. You watched the fire light up the night as the sun set on the beach. You were sipping a beer and stared blankly trying to focus on anything but the memories.
You felt Calum sit next to you, totally sober, and staring blankly. "Go away." You said with your voice cracking.
"No..." He says and you glance at him.
"You aren't drinking?"
"That's a first."
"It makes me do stupid things, say stupid things... I don't want to be like that when I talk to you. Especially not today..."
"After this bonfire we go our separate ways." You said.
Calum looks down to his hands and takes off his snap back messing up his hat hair slightly. He looks at you and places the hat on your head. "I guess it's too late, I'm too late?" He questions and you look at him. He looks at you with hopeful eyes, "please let me make it up to you."
You let his words sink in for a moment. You placed the empty beer bottle in the sand and scooted closer to him. He puts his arm around you and you leaned your head on his shoulder. "We have summer break, you can make it up to me by then right?" You asked feeling a bit tired from the party and the beer.
Calum leaned his head against yours before kissing your forehead, "yeah.
Creds: abundance-of-casualties on Tumblr

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