Michael Imagine: College

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You leaned back in your bed and smiled; after a long week of classes, tests, and your roommate and her partner coming over, you were glad to finally be alone. You had set up a chair in between the two beds that had a perfect view of the television, something you rarely got to do. Your plans for the night were simple: watch the Harry Potter marathon that was coming on and eat all the candy and popcorn you had bought earlier. It was five minutes before the first movie came on when you heard the door knock, and you grudgingly got up from your seat to opened the door.
"Michael?" You asked, confused by the person who was standing in front of you. Michael lived in the dorm across from you with one other roommate, and you had formed a friendship through your weekly dinner dates, also known as your excuse to leave the dorms while both your roommates had people over. The struggle of being single college students with taken roommates.
"I know this isn't normal, but apparently Sean just had to have another girl over tonight without telling me. Do you mind if I crash here?" He asked. There was a desperate look on his face, and you knew that he had to go somewhere, so you nodded.
"Yeah, all right," you sighed and opened the door wider, "I guess I probably shouldn't eat all that candy and popcorn alone."
Michael grinned and stepped inside the room, watching you closely and following you when you went back to your seat in front of the small TV.
"Is there a place I can sit?" He asked awkwardly, glancing around the room.
"Um... you can sit here, I guess," you didn't want to give up your perfect seat, but you felt bad about making a guest sit on the floor.
"No, don't get up," Michael gently stopped you from standing up, "Do you have a pillow I can use to sit on the floor instead?"
You smiled and nodded, motioning to the pile of pillows on your bed. Michael grabbed a couple before placing them down on the floor next to your chair and sitting down on them. He leaned his head on the edge of your chair just as the movie began and you smiled, glad to have someone to share the marathon with.
It wasn't until the first commercial break when you realized you had forgotten your snacks, so you quickly got up and grabbed them from the shelves in the back of your room.
"Want some popcorn?" You asked Michael when you returned to your seat. He smiled, nodded, and opened his mother, which confused you at first until you realized what he wanted. You chuckled, but took a kernel out of the bag and carefully aimed at his mouth. You threw it and it hit his lips and bounced to the floor, causing both of you to groan.
"Come on, (y/n), I thought you had better aim than that," he teased you, folding his arms across his chest.
"It's not like you could do better," you challenged him, imitating his position and raising your eyebrows.
Michael scoffed, "Oh, I bet I could."
Michael leaned up and grabbed the popcorn bag, placing it on one of the pillows. He carefully aimed on of the kernels at your open mouth and threw it, but much like the one you had thrown, it bounced off your lips.
"Ha! I told you that you couldn't do it," you smirked at him proudly and he stuck his tongue out. He was about to speak when you noticed the commercials were ending.
"Shh, the movie's coming back on," you hushed him, returning your attention to the screen. You didn't notice the disappointed look on his face, and it faded before you could.
"(y/n), I'm cold," He complained towards the end of the movie.
"One second," you mumbled, your attention captured by the end of the movie. When it was finally over you leaned back and smiled, realizing how much you had missed watching those movies.
"Okay, what were you saying?" You looked back at Michael.
"I'm cold," he grumbled.
"There are some blankets back there, but that's all I can do, sorry," you told him, "I'm going to use the bathroom before the next movie comes on."
Michael nodded and went to search for the blankets you had told him about. When you returned from the bathroom, you frowned when you saw that Michael was covered in blankets - and in your chair.
"What are you doing?" You raised your eyebrows as you approached him.
He smirked, "Blankets aren't enough. Plus I figured you must be a little cold, so this way we'll both be warm."
He moved the blankets to the side of the large chair and patted his lap, inviting you to sit down. You laughed slightly at the boy in front of you, but you followed his idea and sat down in his lap. Hey, he was right; you were pretty cold, and when you sat down you immediately felt warmer. Michael pulled the blankets over the two of you and set the bag of popcorn against the edge of the chair. You sat like that for almost half of the second movie, and you had to admit it was pretty comfortable. Michael didn't change his position until a commercial break when he moved his arms, which had been wrapped around your waist, and reached for the bag of popcorn.
"I bet I can get the popcorn in from here," he grinned at you, making you laugh.
"I'm sure you can," you agreed with him, opening your mouth slightly to make it more difficult for him. You saw him aiming to throw the popcorn, so you closed your eyes just in case the throw went wrong. But you never felt the popcorn; instead, you felt a pair of soft lips capturing yours in a sweet kiss, and although it was unexpected, it made you smile. You'd never thought about Michael in this way, but the butterflies in your stomach made you realize how you felt.
Michael lifted one of his hands up to your cheek and used the other hand to bring you closer to him. Both your hands went to the back of his head, playing with his hair. Neither of you seemed to have any intentions of stopping until you heard the door open, and you both jumped slightly and looked to see who'd come in.
"Well, then," your roommate smirked, "I guess I'll leave you two to it."
You attempted to get up and tell her that nothing was happening, but Michael wrapped his arms around your waist again and pulled you back down, resting your forehead against his.
"Stay. It's payback for all the times she kicked you out of the room so she could be with somebody," he grinned at you and you giggled.
"Sounds like a plan," you barely made it through speaking before Michael began kissing you again, making butterflies erupt in your stomach more than ever.
Creds: ashtonsflannels on Tumblr

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