Luke Imagine: Meet 'N Greet

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"I really hate you." I mumbled to my friend as we neared the table. We couldn't see through the crowd of girls but we knew the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer were there signing stuff. I had my CDs and my friend had a poster.
"Oh please, this is just the push you need..." She laughed. I sighed looking at the slip of paper in my hand with my number on it, the number my friend was making me give to Luke Hemmings.
"And if I don't do this I have to flash them?" I asked and she laughed harder nodding.
"Those are your options." She said and I sighed. I'd just explain and give him the number, that was all I had to do and he could whatever he wanted with it. We moved closer.
"I can't believe those were the conditions you got me to agree to..." I mumbled. Inside I was swirling with nerves and excitement. She just rolled her eyes.
"You love him, just do it." She shrugged going in front of me as we reached the table. They were sitting with Michael at our end, then Luke, Calum and Ashton. I lagged behind my friend.
I just had to slip Luke my number, survive without fan girling for Calum and Ashton, then run. Right.
"Hi, could you sign this?" I said handing the CDs to Michael as he went ahead and signed.
"Sure thing, what's your name?"
"Uh, Y/N, thanks so much. I really love your music, I blast it all the time when I drive around..." I said normally. It was nice that they were pretty normal themselves.
"Oh yeah? Bet you like Long Way Home then." Michael said with a smile handing the CDs to Luke. I stepped over smiling at him. He beamed.
"What can I do for you?" He asked flicking the lip ring with his tongue making me blush.
"Uh just sign it please and can I give you something?" I asked shifting on my feet.
"Sure, what is it?"
"My number." He looked shocked to say the least as he mechanically signed the CD case. "You don't have to call or anything, I just played truth or dare with my friend and it's either give you my number or I flash you and I'm shy so I picked the number option. Sorry. You don't have to do anything with it at all I just have to give it to you..." I stuttered slipping him the paper. I'd put my name on it and my city. Nothing else.
"I wouldn't have minded the flashing option..." Calum said leaning in as Luke handed the CD over. I felt relieved, I'd done it and now just to enjoy seeing them in person and then leave knowing I'd done it.
"You're a pervert." I said to Calum doing my best not to look at Luke so I wouldn't see what he did with the paper. Calum chuckled signing it.
"Damn straight. So, did your friend have a dare too?" He said making conversation.
"No, she only picked truth, and I'm bad at dares." I said laughing at myself.
"Ah, well I'll make sure Lukey here texts you later." Cal said with a wink as I moved onto Ashton.
"I don't know what's going on, did Luke get a date?" Ashton asked Calum.
"Not yet, he was a bit embarrassed." Calum laughed.
"I fucking hate you, you dick." I heard Luke mutter.
"But she's fit." Cal said turning to him as I turned to Ashton.
"Well then, guess you're a lucky lady." Ashton said giggling signing it.
"No, just embarrassed with a friend that I bet is enjoying this way too much." I sighed rubbing my arm.
"Hmm, he keeps looking at you." Ashton commented.
"'Cause I did something weird."
"You're just shy, well, enjoy your day sweetheart."
With that, I took the CD and grabbed my friend and left. We got into our car and began driving home. There was traffic so I just leaned back in the seat doing nothing but distracting myself with my phone, checking tumblr since tumblr. I was reading smut when the thing vibrated in my hand violently enough that I dropped it. When I picked it up, my heart stopped in my chest.
Unknown Number: Sorry I didn't call, I'm in the van with the guys and can't have a phone conversation. It's Luke Hemmings.
No fucking way.
No fucking way. I am not pretty. I am not fit. My hair was wet with the rain from earlier, my make up is shitty and no fucking way. I just stared.
Unknown Number: Is this the wrong number?
Shit. I gave the contact his name and tried to think of a text that didn't involve showing I was freaking out.
Me: Sorry. Just was in the car. I bet they are really loud.
Luke: You have no idea. The Keeks and shit are just a peek at their noise.
Me: I'm sorry.
Luke: So what are you doing right now?
Me: Just heading home to stare at my ceiling.
Luke: Sounds like you're busy, and I'm disappointed.
Me: Why are you disappointed?
Luke: I wanted to see you actually.
Me: Am I getting punked?
Luke: No...?
Me: But you shouldn't want to hang out with me.
Luke: I shouldn't be in a band with these losers either.
Me: Where would we hang out?
Luke: My hotel room?
Me: Is this a booty call or something?
Luke: No. Promise.
Me: Which hotel?
Luke: Seriously? You'll come?
Me: I think my ceiling will stay the same ;)
Luke: Great I'm staying at... Room #....
Me: When should I come over?
Luke: We're here now so anytime.
Me: I can be there in 15.
Is this happening?
I let myself into the hotel lobby clutching my phone. Luke said he was coming down to meet me so I just looked around. This was a pretty nice place.
"Hey, Y/N." I heard someone say behind me and I turned around.
Damn he was tall.
"Hi Luke..." I said shyly.
"Let's go on up. I  ordered pizza and it just got here, is cheese ok? If not, the hotel has room service..." He said talking leading me to the elevators.
"No, pizza's fine." I said stepping in with him.
"Alright, and we have sodas too if you want something to drink. Otherwise, they went to the pool and I forgot my trunks this time so it's just us. Cal and I are sharing the room..." He explained. Neither of us were looking at each other.
"Oh ok. That's all good." I said as we reached his floor and I followed him to the room. He opened the door. Inside there was a couch and a chair then two beds with a bathroom. Some clothes were scattered about and Luke nervously tossed them toward the suitcases in the corner.
"The pizza is on the coffee table, I'll get cups." He said pointing. I slipped a slice as he poured two cups of coke. I sat nervously at the edge of the couch staring down at the pizza. The patterns of melted cheese are amazing...
"Good pizza..." I mumbled nibbling it as he slipped a piece for himself.
"It's just dominoes. Sorry you're uncomfortable with me, I know it's because of the fame thing..." He said scratching his head.
"I'm just trying not to freak out..." I sighed swallowing the food.
"No one treats me normally anymore, except my family and the guys and I miss that so much..." He sighed sitting at the other end of the couch. "Maybe Hannah Montana had it right..."
"Hannah Montana?" I giggled.
"At least she got to be normal too, right?" He said looking at me. "I can't be normal anymore."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault. I just wish I could be somewhere long enough to have someone and make friends and I love the guys, they're all I've got and I can't make connections anymore and I just want to. I want to be able to have crushes, not just some girl from some city that I leave the next day."
"Well don't you leave tomorrow?"
"But I have your number! Isn't it weird? Most girls give me their number so I should think it was normal but something about when you slipped it to me was striking. You didn't think I would do anything with it and you weren't desperate for me to do something with it. You were just like, it was almost like I was some guy in a food court that you thought was cute or whatever and you just handed me your number with that tiny hope."
"I'm lost."
"With you, it's not like I'm famous and I get that with so few people these days."
"But I'm your fan..."
"I know and that's awesome but it's not like you're shrieking."
"The frequency of that hurts my ears."
"Tell me about it!"
"But why did you want me here?"
"I wanted to talk to you, as just me."
"Why? I'm just a girl."
"That's good. But talking with you, it's not like you would hang on my every word. You're listening. Do you know how few people listen?"
"And I had noticed you earlier in the day, while you were moving up in the line. You seemed quiet but excited and happy with your friend as you two talked. You were polite and courteous of others and I was struck by that."
"I'm just normal."
"I like normal, I miss normal, I want normal."
"It's not like I can make you normal."
"No, but I can be normal with you."
"I don't see how."
"I can't explain."
"Do you want to dance?"
"What the hell?"
"Yeah, that's a weird question..."
"But ok..."
"Alright! I'm gonna put on a slow song..." He said standing up and putting his phone into the speakers selecting something soft. I got up and stepped toward him. I'd taking off my flip-flips but he was in Vans.
"How are we gonna dance?" I asked as he looked at me.
"Hmm... Stand on my feet..."
"Ok..." I said tentatively standing on the end of his feet as he wrapped his arms around me.
"It's been a while since I've been able to hold someone..." Luke whispered to me.
"This is really weird."
"Can we though?"
"Thanks... I don't know what it is about you but I like you, the same I had crushes in school after stalking them..."
"Don't stalk me." I said giggling.
"Hmm... maybe I want to."
"You're a freak."
"Yeah, but I want to."
"But you like me?"
"Sure I do."
"But you're Luke Hemmings."
"I have figured out my name you know."
"That's not my point."
"I know."
"Ok... But what does you liking me mean?"
"It means..." Luke said gently holding my chin in his hands and leaning down softly kissing me. My body exploded with butterflies and tingles. It wasn't a long kiss.
"Was that too far?"
"Heh..." He said leaning in to kiss me again.
Creds: 5sosimaginestoruinyourlife on Tumblr

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