Michael Imagine: "I Was the Guy"

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You were laying on the couch, your head rested on your best friend, Michael's, lap. His fingers fiddled and tangled in your hair as you looked into your phone. You were scrolling through your Twitter, stalking your celebrity crush, as usual. You gasped when you saw a picture of him pop up as you scrolled. "Michael look at him! Oh my god, he looks so beautiful." You gushed, shining your phone in Michael's face so he could see it clearly.
Michael's body tensed underneath you, it always did when you spoke about your celebrity crush, but you were unsure why. "Hmm, yeah he looks great." Michael mumbled, looking away from your glaze and phone. You raised your eyebrows before bring your phone back down to your face.
Michael was always tense and angry lately, he didn't tell you why even though you are his best friend. "Can you hop up for a sec." He said, standing on his feet before walking off. "Michael are you okay?" "Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He snapped back, causing you to jump.
"Why are you being such a dickhead lately Michael?" You growled, watching anger wash over Michael's face. "Why am I being a dickhead? Why don't you shut up about your crush already? I don't want to hear about him." Michael screamed.
You stepped back in fright, you've known Michael for so long and never heard him yell or even talk to you like that. "Is that what this is about Michael? You're jealous over my celebrity crush! You're pathetic!" You snapped back, your face turning a shade of red.
"You know why I'm jealous because you only see him and notice him! You're so oblivious y/n! You don't see the guy that's liked you since year 7 y/n!" He paused. It took you a second to catch on to what he said. "You wanna know who that guy is y/n? It's me, I'm the one that's liked you since year 7, I was boy who sent you secret admire letters, but you didn't notice me in that way." Michael stepped towards you, his hair all ruffled up from his hands running through it.
"Michael. I'm sorry I never realised, I was too caught up in other stuff." You closed the gap between the both of you, looking up into Michael's eyes. "It's okay. I never expected you to feel the same about me as I do about you." "Oh but I do Michael. I really do."
Creds: gibbonsofsummer on Tumblr

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