Calum Imagine: Romantic Getaway

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"Babe what's wrong?" You ask walking into your room to find Calum sprawled out looking at the ceiling.
"We need a vacation." He replied not moving. You walk over and lay down with your head on his chest and one leg over his, his arms instantly going around your back.
"Well where do you wanna go?" You ask.
"Anywhere, as long as its just me and you. No one else." He said kissing the top of your head.
"We'll why don't we go to a private beach or something?" You ask looking up at him with your chin still resting on his chest.
You see a giant smile take over his face.
"That's perfect." He says pulling you completely on top of him. "How'd you get so smart?" He questions with a smirk.
"It just comes naturally." You sigh and he only laughs pulling your lips to his.
You had just arrived at the little house on a private island that you had to take a helicopter to get to. It was amazing, the house had giant windows along the front to give you a stunning view of the ocean. It was almost like you and Calum were on a honeymoon.
After stepping inside you set your suitcase down and feel Calum's arms snaking around your waist from behind. Eyeing the details of the house you turned your head to kiss his cheek. "This is beautiful Cal."
"I had to get something fit for someone as beautiful as you." He smiled at you before kissing you.
The whole island just gave off this romantic vibe. It was absolutely perfect.
After looking at the house and unpacking your suitcases Calum asked if you wanted to walk down to the water. You agreed and went to change into your swimsuit.
You walk to the front to see him already by the water in just his swim trunks.
You walk up and place your hands on his back and kiss his shoulder before he lifts up his arm for you to move there and sets it on your shoulders.
You wrap your arms around his middle still standing by his side and just look out at the horizon. It's so beautiful. Then you look up at Calum, and notice it's almost as beautiful as him. Almost.
After just standing there in your perfect moment for a while you decided to go in the water. It was a little cold, which was to be expected. You both splashed around and stole a few kisses here and there.
You were both walking back up to the house shivering. It was dark out and the breeze was freezing. After taking a warm relaxing bath you got dressed in some comfortable clothes.
You walk into the kitchen and smell something wonderful making your stomach growl. Just now thinking about how you haven't eaten anything. You see Calum at the stove in just a pair of sweat pants. 'How is he so damn hot?' You think while biting your lip.
He turns and smiles, "Hungry?"
"Yea, it smells really good!" You smile back at him. You watch as he fixes both of your plates and two glasses of wine and takes them over to a little table. You walk over and sit in the chair he has pulled out for you.
It's nice that he's still so romantic even though your both in pajamas and your hair is still wet from the shower. It makes you feel like it doesn't matter what you look like or where you go because you'll always love each other no matter what.
After dinner you both sit outside in a lounge chair cuddled up watching the stars.
The next day was spent sleeping late and cuddling, and when you got up you just spent time together. Honestly it was going to be hard to go back. It was just so perfect here. No one shouting and taking pictures. No one calling for Calum to go in to work. Nothing getting in the way of your time together.
It was getting late when Cal told you to get dressed in something nice. You didn't bring anything to fancy but he told you just to go look in the closet. You walked in and saw a stunning blue dress with a pair of heels.
After fixing your hair and putting on some makeup, you slipped into the dress. It fit perfectly, as did the shoes. Still unsure of why you had to get so dressed up, you walked outside.
A smile grew on your face as you seen the boat at the end of the pier. You see Calum standing there, smiling at you as you make your way to him. He's wearing a suit and holding a single rose out to you. You take the rose and wrap your arms around his neck kissing him passionately.
"Your amazing Calum Hood.", you breathe out.
"Not as amazing as my beautiful girlfriend." He says back smiling at you.
He grabs your hand and leads you onto the boat. He's got an area set up for dinner. He pulls out your chair for you like he always does and sits across from you. A guy in a nice suit came over and placed champagne glasses in front of you and filled them with a very expensive looking champagne. He walked away without a word. It was obvious that Calum had this completely planned out.
Calum looked kind of nervous. You took his hand in yours and he smiled at you looking like he was reassured of something. Then he started talking.
"Y/N, I know sometimes I'm not the greatest boyfriend in the world," he really was though, even though you fought you couldn't ask for anyone better, "but I love you with everything I have in me. And I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
You were speechless as you watched him get up and come in front of your chair. Then he got on one knee. "I want to be with you forever. Y/N... I want you to be my wife." He said as he pulled out a box and opened it. The ring was absolutely stunning.
Tears of happiness were burning your eyes as the biggest smile in the world stretched across your face. You started nodding your head frantically.
"Yea?" He asked smiling and looking hopeful.
"Absolutely!! Yes Cal! Oh my god..." You say finally being able to form words.
He wrapped his arms around your waist as you stood up and kissed you with every ounce of love he had in him. The rest of the night was amazing and you were now the future Mrs. Hood.
Creds: cliffordsgirls on Tumblr

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