How The Young Justice Handles Bullies pt.1

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Young Justice Robin fic. Yeah I'mma horrible person. Please don't hate me! Inspired by the song Hero from SUPERCHICK. This takes place after the Season 1 finally of YJ.  Only by a month. *WARNING SELF HARM. BUT ALSO FLUFFY! VERY FLUFFY AT THE END. ^-^  

Richard Grayson walked out of the large school building. He walked down the long sidewalks,  anticipating when he would leave for patrol that night with Batman. "Hey circus boy!" someone shouted behind him. Dick turned around and saw one of the jocks. 

"Think you're so special? Being able to do all that stuff in Gym huh?" the jock taunted angrily. Dick remembered he had shown up all the other kids in gym class earlier that day. "No, I just have a lot of practice, nothing special really," Dick answered the older kid. 

"You only have that practice because you're parents were Gypsies! You grew up in a circus, bet you slept with the animals at night so much you're like a monkey!" the jock continued. Artemis was watching with Bette, a small crowd of students had started to gather and the blond clenched her fists as the jock insulted  the advanced kid.  

"No I-" Dick tried  to defend himself but the jock kept going, interrupting Richard. "And you're parents must have really hated you to name you that! It's a good thing they're dead, they don't have to see what a disappointment you are to the 'Grayson Legend'," the jock continued. 

Artemis couldn't watch this anymore, she ran in front of the jock, who she now recognized as a kid name 'Cameron'. "Hey! Stop being such a jerk!" Artemis shouted at Cameron. Cameron shoved her out of the way and stood face to face with Dick. 

"Bruce Wayne only felt pity for you, he doesn't really want you around. I bet he  hates your guts for intruding on his property like you do," Cameron tortured Richard with words. "Why are you being so mean?!" Artemis exclaimed turning the jock around by the shoulders. 

"Just speaking the truth, someone has to," Cameron responded. "You're a jerk! Ya know that? There that is true if anything is!" Artemis reacted quickly. She walked by Cameron, expecting to see the Grayson kid, but he had disappeared . 


Dick ran into Wayne Manor with tears in his eyes. The boy ran into his bedroom, threw his stuff on the bed and cried. He knew he deserved this emotional pain. But he deserved physical pain as well. Richard took out his pocket knife and started to cut at his skin.

It wasn't the first time Cameron had made of fun of Dick this way. Normally it was in the locker room, away from the teachers. This was the first time he had approached Dick in the open. Richard cried as he cut into his arm, letting the blood flow. 

Dick took a bandage and wrapped his cuts stiffly. He went down the stairs and into the Batcave. He put on his Robin uniform and ZETA beamed to the Cave. He wasn't surprised to see Artemis there but was surprised to see her ranting about bullies to Kaldur, and M'gann. "Robin you will  never  believe this!" Artemis stated. 

"Try me," he replied with a sly smile. She told him all about the 'Grayson kid' and jock bully session. "This stuff happens, not much we can do about it in our civvies. I'm sure he has a way of ignoring it," Robin replied nonchalantly. 

"But Robin! Bullying is such a horrible thing! How can you say that?" M'gann asked in surprise. " It's common at my school, I do the best I can, but somethings you just can't stop,"  Robin answered her. They all looked at each other, then looked back at the Boy Wonder. He had disappeared. 

Robin went to his room at the Cave so he could change into Cave civvies. He slipped on a green shirt with a brown leather jacket and black jeans. Lastly he placed the black sunglasses over his eyes. The teen walked into the TV room and saw Conner watching static, Robin sat down on the love-seat.  

The boy thought deeply about what Cameron had told him. The thought of it made Robin's eyes tear up behind the sunglasses, it was all true. Every last word was truth. He had been thinking for about fifteen minutes, and didn't notice when M'gann and Wally had come in. 

"Hey Rob, you wanna go spar?" Wally asked the bird. Robin didn't hear he was so deep in thought. "ROB?" Wally asked again. He waved a hand in front of Rob's face. Robin was pulled out of his thoughts. "What?" he asked. 

"You wanna go spar?" Wally asked again, annoyed this time. "Robin, are you feeling ok? I'm getting some sad energy coming off of you," M'gann asked unsure. (so much alliteration :D) "I'm fine Miss.M, yeah lets go spar," the Boy Wonder replied to them. 

Robin changed back into his uniform, before going to the training room. Kaldur and Artemis were sparring, while Conner watched. Robin went against KF, and Miss.Martian paired up with Superboy. The raven haired teen was dragged back into his thoughts, causing Kid Flash to throw Robin down with the simplest of moves. 

FAIL ROBIN, the battle floor called out.  "Dude what was that?" Kid Flash asked helping up his friend. "What do you mean?" Robin asked after standing up. "I just beat you  with one of the most simple moves Black Canary ever taught us!" Kid Flash shouted in response. 

Despite Kid Flash's shouting, Boy Wonder's thought traveled once more down the trail of misery that had been made in his. All those truthful words that Cameron had spoken, hurt so much. "DUDE! DUDE?! Are you even listening to me?!" Wally screamed again. This time getting the bird's attention. 

"No," Robin whispered. It was so quiet only Wally and Superboy could hear. "What are you thinking about then that makes you so distant?" Wally asked in a softer tone. "Nothing that involves anyone in this room," was Robin's curt reply. 

He turned and swiftly walked away. "What was that about?" Artemis asked. "I need to call Roy," Wally informed them angrily. 


Wow. Longest thing I've ever wrote on Wattpad. Just, I just WOW. Didn't know I could do it to be honest. WELL THEN! Yes I know I'm being an evil witch for doing this to Dickie, but I was so darn inspired.  Don't know when the next part'll be out, but I hope it's soon! LAWLZ. Kay bye!

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