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This is what I would make for the ending of season 1 episode 12 of young justice, better known as the episode HOMEFRONT. 

"Gone," Robin told Artemis grimly. "All of them, gone," he turned around to face the archer as he stated this. Robin took a step towards the girl, but stopped and doubled over in pain. He let out a scream of agony and fell to his knees. 

"ROBIN!" Wally shouted as he watched his friend fall. Batman instantly was by his son's side (so many s's). "What's wrong?" the worried Batman asked as he held Robin's shoulders in his hands. "M-M-My side..." he whimpered out in pain. Artemis wanted to walk over and help, but Daddybats seemed to have it covered. 

Batman pried the Boy Wonder's arms away from his side, there was blood seeping through the tunic. At an alarming rate as well. Batman lifted the teen carefully into his arms, Robin groaned in pain at the sudden movement. Bat's cradled the raven haired child in his arms, holding the wet and cold body close to his warm dry one. 

"Rob? ROB? ROBIN?!" Wally was was screaming out in worry for his little brother. Batman swiftly walked down one of the halls, one that lead into the infirmary. "Flash, Martian Manhunter, get to med hall, NOW." Batman ordered gruffly. By now KF and Superboy had been freed. 

Flash ran down the hall ahead of Batman, knowing  just what to do. Martian Manhunter followed suit, leaving M'gann to Conner, who gladly took over. Artemis bit her lip as she watched this take place. Green Arrow walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. 

"Robin'll be ok, he's tougher than you think," the man reassured his apprentice. "It's kinda hard to believe that after seeing what I just saw," she replied in an unsure manner. "Trust me," Oliver told her with a smile. Artemis smiled back a forced one.


Batman inwardly winced as he walked the agonized boy to the infirmary. When he got there J'onn  had already prepped a gurney and some IV's with Flash's help. Bruce gently laid the pained hero onto the gurney and removed the shirt to reveal a bloody and deep cut in his side. 

Batman scowled and began to clean the wound, which caused much whimpering to erupt from the boy's mouth. "Shh, it's ok Dickie, I know it stings but it'll help," Daddybats cooed to Robin. Once the wound was washed, J'onn stitched it up. By, now Robin was unconscious because of blood-loss, but Bats hooked him up to a blood bag to help. 

Robin was lying limply in one of the beds in recovery, his face had a mark of pain that was crowded by the peacefulness that comes with sleep. There was the steady beeping of a heart monitor to accompany the stillness of the room. 

Batman informed the TEAM that they could come and visit Robin. They gladly came into the room to see their little bro. M'gann choked on a sob, Artemis felt guilt, Wally stared, Kaldur's body tensed, and Conner comforted M'gann. Then they got settled into the room, vowing not to leave until his eyes opened.

Wally was pacing, his mind clouded with worry, Kaldur sat in a chair watching the boy in silence,  Artemis stood leaning against a wall on her phone trying to keep her mind busy, and Megan and Conner hugged each other both fearful that Red Tornado may have killed the bird. 

Robin moaned a little as he reentered consciousness, his eyes opened under his mask and panic filled his body as memories of the cave being attacked filled his mind. He sat up instantly, breathing hard as sweat dripped off his face. "Hey, hey calm down," Wally told Robin kindly having raced over as soon as he woke up. 

Robin's expression grew relaxed, and stared at his friends in joy. Wally wrapped his arms around Rob's torso to steady the thirteen year old. Robin just sank into Wally's grasp. "Are you guys ok?" Robin managed to croak out. 

"Us? US?! What about you!?" Artemis shouted. "I'm fine," Robin answered. Wincing as KF helped him into the warmth and fluff of the pillows. "Dude, we're fine, you on the other hand....," Kid Flash was gesturing to the others as he spoke. 

 "DUDE. HOW DID YOU GET THAT CUT?!" Wallace finally screamed throwing his hands up into the air. "I don't know," Robin answered calmly. It was no different than Batman handling the JLA  when he was injured and refused to rest. 

"You almost died." Conner growled pulling M'gann a little closer. "So did all of you . I'm going to be honest here, I'm used to being injured. It's nothing that I haven't handled before," Robin defended himself. 

"You have?" M'gann sqeaked up in horror at the thought of their bird being hurt like this almost every time he fought someone. "That's crazy," Artemis spoke up. "It's called protecting those who can't protect themselves," masked eyes began to droop sleepily. 

"We will leave you to rest my friend," Kaldur told the bird. They all left, eyeing the Boy Wonder warily. Batman came in right after they left. The older vigilante wrapped protective fatherly arms around his son. The younger vigilante soon broke into tears, sobbing violently at the memory of it all. "Shh, it's ok..." Bruce whispered as he cradled the child. 

He would find Red Tornado. He would make Red pay for this. Bruce narrowed his eyes as thoughts of revenge raced through his head. Dick soon drifted off to sleep. Small snores came from his mouth. Peaceful, was the only way to describe the small acrobat (GUYS! acroBAT!) in  his dad's arms. 


THIS IS THE LONGEST CHAPTER I HAVE WRITTEN ON WATTPAD. WHOA, JUST WHOA. I just noticed while writing this, acroBAT. SRSLY?! Why has nobody noticed this before?!

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