How the Young Justice Handles Bullies PT.2

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Wally ran to his room, picked up his cell phone, and dialed Roy's number. Roy picked up almost immediately. "Wally, what is it?" Roy asked, annoyance portrayed in his voice.

"Robin is acting WAY off. I beat him with the most simple move Canary taught us, and then when I was yelling at him he zoned out, didn't hear a word I said," Wally told his older brother.

Roy didn't say anything for the next few moments. "I'll be at the Mountain this evening. Make sure Robin's there as well," Roy finally answered. Whatever plan Roy came up with, had to work. Robin was very secretive, no one was a fan of that. Wally sighed, "Thanks Roy."

Wally called Dick a few minutes later, since his friend had gone home after the sparring incident. He convinced Robin to come back to the Mountain after 30 minutes of bickering. It was a bit awkward, but then Roy decided to make an appearance so it was a little less awkward. 

Thankfully the rest of the Team was off at a new Happy Harbor souvenir store that just opened a couple weeks ago. That meant it was just Roy, Wally and Dick in the mountain. 

"Robin. What's going on?" Roy asked the little bird. Robin's eyes widened for just a moment, but then his training kicked and they were back to normal soon. 

"Nothing, why?" Robin responded. 

"You're acting different, and not in the 'I've finally figured out how to not be creepy' way," Roy answered. 

Robin shrugged, "Maybe I am acting different, doesn't give you a right to snoop into my personal life though." The Boy Wonder walked into the living area and sat on one of the couches. He crossed his arms behind his head and leaned back to relax himself. 

"You always do this!" Wally shouted in exasperation.

Robin looked genuinely confused for a moment. "Do what?"

"This!" Wally made a gesture to how relaxed Robin was acting. "The act of being cool and mature and not willing to get help because you think you don't need any!"  

Robin had the decency to look thoughtful for a minute, sat up, then he held out his hands as if weighing something, this went on for a few seconds before the boy shrugged and leaned back once more.

"That's it?! You're just going to ignore us and suffer?" Kid Flash exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, pretty much," Robin answered very nonchalantly. 

Wally threw his hands up in the air, obviously annoyed. "You're impossible!" 

"Dick, we're more than your friends. We're your family, you're older brothers. Understand that this is something you can talk to us about," Roy told the little bird softly. 

Dick lowered his gaze, though it was undetectable underneath the sunglasses. "I get that but...." 

"But what?" Wally asked kindly. 

"Why would you care about me..... I'm.... I'm Gypsie trash.... and... Bruce doesn't really want me.... I'm a-" Dick was cut off by Wally. 

"Who told you that," Wally growled venomously. 

"....Another kid at school...." Dick answered hesitantly. 

"Oh Dickie...." Wally said softly pulling the smol child into a strong embrace. The tears that had been welling up in Dick's eyes all this time finally spilled.Dick cried into the warm loving hug from his older brother, one that Roy soon joined. 

Once Dick was calmed down, Roy called Bruce. Bruce  was there in about 2 minutes. Dick sighed softly at the  feeling of his father's strong arms around his own small frame. "Why didn't you tell me?" Bruce whispered into Dick's ear. 

"I thought.... I...." Dick couldn't find the right words to what he was trying to say. Bruce sighed. 

"Lets go home, and then we'll talk... alright?" Bruce asked his little bird. Dick nodded and burried himself into Bruce's large frame. Batman's cape wrapped perfectly around Dick's small frame. As the bat carried his bird to the Zeta tubes, they heard the rest of the Team arrive back to the Cave. 

The group of friends didn't notice anything at first, just Batman walking to the Zeta tubes. Conner soon saw Robin in Batman's arms though. "What's wrong?" Conner asked quickly, feeling worried for the youngest and smallest member of the Team. 

The rest turned their attention towards Batman, also realizing what the bat was carrying. "Ask Red Arrow and Kid Flash." Batman growled out to them. 

The Zeta Tubes quickly took the Bat and his Bird home. 

Meanwhile the rest of the Team went and got answers from Roy and Wally. "Bullies?!" Artemis screeched at the end of the explanation. 

"Yeah...." Wally sighed. 

"That would explain why he was not very interested in the story Artemis was telling Kaldur and I earlier today," M'gann told them. 

"It would appear so," Kaldur agreed.

"Time to kick some bully butt then!" Wally smiled at the thought of getting rid of one of his little brother's problems. 

So that's what they did. Roy and Wally were the ones to actually do it to the bully, considering they were the only two who know Rob's identity. The rest of the Team respectfully did what they could without breaking those boundaries. 


Dick Grayson went to school the following week, and found out that Cameron had been expelled from the school. His life was still in the dumps, the mean words never went away. Bruce had discovered his cutting, and started helping him out with it. Gave him tricks such as talking to someone when you feel the need to cut, or use a rubber band. 

Though he used these tricks sometimes, it was hard to stop. Sometimes he gave in, other times he used the tricks. Giving up something like cutting is as hard as giving up drugs. He had friends though, friends to help him through this. 

Dick Grayson would always have people like that in his life, even if he didn't realize it.

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