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Dick knew he made mistakes. Don't we all? He knew that there were times where people he knew and cared for needed help, but... most of the time... he wasn't there. Maybe it was because those people were hurting while he was still trying to get his own head together. Maybe, maybe it was all OK because of that. Guilt wouldn't leave though.

He kept telling himself he didn't have a strong meaningful life. Dick thought that maybe if he saved enough people his parents would forgive him for not saving their own. It was silly, but he felt that was the only way. 

People at school would pick on him, push Dick away, try and make him believe he was a bad person. They called him names and tried to tell Dick that everything he did was worthless. He started believing the cruel words after a while. Being Robin started to become less meaningful. Nothing was OK. Nothing would ever be OK. 

 He still kept going though. He kept fighting. Didn't let it stop him. Ran faster, trained harder, did better in attempt to feel alright. Dick started to doubt himself and think he did the wrong thing. He didn't tell his teammates that he was being bullied. He was leader, he didn't want anyone questioning him or seeing him as weak. 

He was the smallest, he bet that even Donna saw him as a little weaker than the rest. But he still stood strong through it all. 

One day. One day his brothers, his little brothers, saw him bloodied beaten and weak. In his own bedroom. In his own apartment. With his own escrisma sticks covered in his own blood. His own knife covered in his own blood. They took immediate action.

Damian asked him why multiple times, while Tim took care of the injuries. Jason wouldn't let go of Dick, wouldn't stop telling him that it didn't matter what everyone else thought, just what his family did. And his family saw him as perfect. Dick told them his stories, Dick told them that he couldn't forgive himself. 

"Dick," Jason started,"There is no reason in the world to say or think that about yourself. You're perfect." "Grayson, you're strong, smart, and an excellent mentor," Damian told the injured man. He looked at his younger siblings angrily. "I DIDN'T SAVE THEM!" he shouted. "Of course you didn't save them, that wasn't the future you were supposed to have Dick," Tim said.

Dick blinked, he turned his head away. How could he possibly look at his brothers? "You're amazing Dick," Jason said putting his hand on his brother's shoulder. "I will kill anyone who tells you anything else," Damian growled. " Come 'ere," Dick laughed pulling them into one group hug. "I love you guys," Dick said quietly. 

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