Tales Of Injuries: Protective Siblings & Hated Medicine

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This takes place about a month before season 2 episode 1. 

Nightwing had been stabbed in his thigh. It got infected 3 hours later. This happened on a TEAM mission, so naturally they blame themselves. Beast Boy, Lagoon Boy, and Robin had all been with Nightwing when he was stabbed. He had started bleeding out. Right there. On the floor of the Warehouse. 

He had fallen to unconsciousness quickly. Conner had carried their leader to the Bioship where he was tended to immediately. They got back to base where he was stitched up, and put in his room. Robin was very worried and upset, but Batgirl was there to comfort him. 

M'gann was sitting on the couch with Conner and Lagan, looking very anxious. Conner just sat there with a scowl on his face. "One of us has to do it," Conner told M'gann angrily.

 "I-- I know but... you know how they are, if we're already having control problems, how are they going to react?" M'gann responded. 

"They're going to react like they always react," Conner said shrugging.

 "Who's 'they'?" Gar asked looking pretty interested.

 M'gann sighed, "Artemis and Wally."

 "I'm sure everything will be fine Angel Fish," Lagan said in an effort of comfort. Conner gave M'gann the look that said, 'you better do this.'

"I hope you're right," she said getting up to go make the phone call. 

"I don't understand," Jaime said looking at the Team.

 "I don't either. I get Boss got hurt, but, why are they acting so..... weird?" Cassie asked looking around. Batgirl looked at all of them with narrowed eyes, she looked as if she was about to say something but Kon spoke first. 

"Imagine there was a small, funny, immature, and innocent kid, OK?" Conner started looking at all of them as he spoke. The Team nodded, telling him to go on. "Imagine, you spent every day together, going on missions, and training and just hanging out together. Now, this kid is younger than you by a few years, so after a while you start looking at them like a younger sibling. You find out they're being bullied, and you fix the problem. You go on an incredibly hard mission, and they get injured very badly. Almost killed. And you sit there wishing it was you instead, believing it was all your fault. They get better, and everything continues as it was. But now you're extremely overprotective, and won't stop looking at them like they're the most fragile thing in the world. You love them like your own sibling. You, and everyone else you grew up with feel that way about them. To the original Team, that kid is Nightwing. And to us, he's still 13. He's still fragile and innocent," Conner told them all. The Team's mouths were wide open. 

M'gann came back into the room with a scared expression on her face. "What's wrong Angel Fish?" Lagan asked. 

"They're on their way," she answered shakily. Then, the zeta-tubes announced Artemis and Wally's entrances.

 "WHERE THE TARTARUS IS HE?!?!?!" Wally screamed from the zeta-room, but all of a sudden he was in the lounge-room. 

"He's in his usual room Wally," Conner replied annoyed.

Wally zipped off before another word was spoken. He quietly knocked on Nightwing's bedroom door, and entered not a couple of seconds later. Nightwing was laying there, eyes closed, chest rising and falling, and his mask was off. At first glance you believed the man to be asleep, but the you would see he really wasn't. 

"....Dick?" Wally asked softly after a few moments. Nightwing opened his eyes a little and looked at his best friend.  Wally went over and sat down on his bed. "Hey," Wally smiled. 

"Long time no see," Dick murmured in reply. Wally stroked his younger brother's hair down, and smiled at him softly. 

"You need to take your medicine," Wally whispered. Dick visibly winced. "We are not having this discussion.  Not here not now. Take your meds." Wally growled softly. 

"Wally, I'm fine," Dick insisted. 


"If I hadn't Tim would've been!"


"I don't need medicine."



Wally groaned loudly in anger. "I knew we couldn't trust M'gann and Conner to take care of you all on their own! You never listen to a word we say, and albeit that you wouldn't even listen to Kaldur!" Wally shouted getting very exasperated. 

"I am an ADULT Wally, you don't need to worry about me every minute of every day! I can take care of myself. M'gann and Conner don't take care of me!" Dick retaliated, anger bubbling through him at the mention of their friend. 

Wally froze, eyes narrowing dangerously. "SUPERMARTIAN!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. The name was usually used when shouting for the both of them at once, even if they weren't dating anymore. Dick sighed as he realized what doom he had just brought upon his friends, and himself. 

Superboy and Miss Martian entered promptly, Artemis following curiously. "Wally...." Artemis said in a warning voice.

"Dick just told me that you two haven't been taking care of him!" Wally growled. Dick closed his eyes and curled up into a ball on the bed. 

"That isn't true! We had to enlist the help of Batgirl, it was gettiing hard on our schedules after a couple weeks," M'gann explained.  

"We were also being subtle." Conner added bluntly. 

Dick mentally kicked himself and thought about things he enjoyed. Like ice-cream or being on the trapeze or NOT BEING HERE RIGHT NOW. 

Artemis sighed and went over and sat next Dick on his bed. They listened to Wally rant and scream about how he couldn't ever leave his little brother's side again when there was a knock on the door. Everyone turned their heads and Dick said a weak 'come in'. 

Batgirl walked into the room, picked up the pills off of Nightwing's side table, and pretty much shoved them into his mouth. "That is what you get for not listening to those who know what's best for you Boy Wonder. I expect to see you tonight at the Manor where you can be properly taken care of." 

Just like that she left. All except Nightwing shared a look and snuggled up on Dick's bed with him as the pills worked their magic and sent him off to sleep. Dick felt the heartache of Kaldur not being there. He didn't dwell on it long thanks to sleep, and Barbara. 


So I actually updated. AWESOME! Guess what's next? Pt.2 of the first entry in this book!!! YAY!! Thanks guys for all the support and love!

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