Your Family Will Always Be There

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Nightwing placed his face in his hands, fingers running running through thick black hair. Nightwing was sitting in his bed in Mt. Justice, he could barely believe that Joker had killed him. He couldn't believe that his Little Wing would never be here again.

All the fun they had had together... never to be had again. He sighed a deep and tired sigh. He was seventeen, he still blamed himself for his parents. Now, Dick blamed himself for not being there for Jaybird. 

Tears fell silently behind sunglasses, he didn't make a sound. Arms pulled knees to his chest as the silent tears turned to loud sobs. The door to his room opened with an unnoticed creak. Before he knew it, mother-like arms had him engulfed in a hug. 

"Shhh...." the hugger whispered. "Why... why wasn't....." Dick stuttered crying even more at words. "Sh," she cooed once more. Then, two more sets of steps could be heard as they noticed the distraught sounds coming from their little brother's room.

Strong arms, and caring arms held Richard now too. More steps. Brother-like arms. Dick was rocked back and forth, in his head, Dick was six again. Being held by his family after someone had died in the circus. 

Soon, the sobs ended. Dick removed the sunglasses from face as one of the others closed the door. "What happened?" Artemis asked sitting in front of him with a hand on Dick's shoulder. "Jo-Joker," Dick began with a stutter remembering the call that had just been received from Bruce. 

"What did he do?" Conner growled, the clone was just about down with this clown's games. "Jas-Jason, he got Jason," Dick whispered. M'gann bit her lip, the new Robin had been just as treasured as the old. "How bad?" the Martian asked.

"He's.... Jaybird's gone." Dick finally deadpanned. "I am so sorry my friend," Kaldur stated wrapping an arm around Dick's shoulders. Subconsciously, the raven haired teen leaned into the hug. "Jason's..... dead?!" Wally clarified full of surprise.

Dish simply nodded in reply to the ginger's outburst. "Oh dude... I'm so sorry," the speedster mourned. "I should have been there.... I should have done something...." the bird whispered his voice slowly getting louder. 

"Why didn't he call me... he should've told me...." Dick kept mumbling into Kaldur's chest. "Don't blame yourself, it isn't your fault," Artemis reassured her little brother. "But it is," the male addressed bit back. 

"Dick, there was nothing you could have done, knowing Joker it was probably a kidnapping. He probably lock Jason up somewhere with no way to find him," M'gann told Dick. "Then I could've helped  to locate Jason," Dick replied.

"What we are trying to say, is that even if you did know what was going on, no one could have done anything," Conner clarified to Richard.  Artemis was hugging Dick's back since was hugging Kaldur, and M'gann was sitting on Artemis's right hugging that way. 

Before they knew it they were just one big pile of tears. They all knew Jason, and they were all sad. But Jason was Dick's little brother, and if anyone knew what it was like to have a little brother it was the original Team. 

As Dick felt these warm comforting arms around his body, he could only feel one thought racing through his head:

Thank you.

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