Fluffy Oneshot where Dick is thirteen

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If you don't like how I emotionally (and physically, on the occasion... *insert link to Betrayal here* Oh shut up!) torture Dick, I suggest you never read this book again. If you don't care, then stick around! Feelz and Daddybats is on its way!!!

Dick's POV






So annoying...


Shut up!

I open my eyes to bright surroundings, light hurts. ALOT. Well, that's just science I guess. I am laying on a gurney, for about the twentieth time this year. 

"What happened...." I mumbled out. I was going to add 'this time' and sound really annoyed, but I am currently WAY  too tired to do that. Plus, my throat hurts. 

"Shh, you just got caught in the crossfire," I heard a voice say. Bruce. So either it happened at school or patrol or a TEAM mission. I groan as I try to sit up. Bruce's hand gently pushes me back down onto the soft bed. 

Soft bed... hard backboard. I'm going with the bed. I let him push me down, I notice how dry my mouth is. Water sounds good too. "I'm... thirsty..." I rasp out.

"Ok son," he replies kindly. He gently places his hand behind my back and my head up just enough to suck at the ice-chips through the straw in the cup. I let out a sigh as my head is placed back onto the really  soft pillow. 

"Details," I demand in a slightly pained voice. "A run-in with Scarecrow," Bruce answers me. "Oh," I reply. I groan a little as pain throbs deeply in my head.

I hear Bruce get some things and about five minutes later the pain is nearly gone. Nearly. Bruce runs his fingers through my hair and let darkness consume my mind. 

Just before it happens though I hear Bruce say something "I love you Richard." 

Love you too Dad. 

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