The Language Of Fandoms

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I've had so many ideas that I've forgotten to cover the basics. Please forgive me, though you probably could've figured this stuff out someplace else. ~M
(If you have anything to add, let me know. I found some definitions online because it's sort of hard to explain this stuff-it's mostly based on feelings but I rewrote it in my own words and will have credits below.)
[Comment and vote if you'd like me to write definitions for Fanfic Terms]

Fandom= fan domain/fan kingdom, community of fans, a group of people who all like/have interest in something specific like a tv show or a book series. Not only does the fandom watch/read media, they respond to it by passionately talking about it, drawing, and writing fanfiction.

OTP= One True Pairing
(the two people that you REALLY want to be together as a couple, whether they're officially together or not, the pairing that stands above all of your ships.)

Canon= Official, used to differentiate the official storyline and fanfic plot

Headcanon =(noun) something that seems like it should actually be in the plot of a media, a belief that makes sense to you about the media
Ex. In my headcanon, they act like siblings because they seem like siblings to me.

asdfghjkl= the letters of the middle row on the keyboard-a random smash of letters typed when one can't express themselves properly-because of fandom caused emtions

I can't even/I cannot/I can't=
The feeling of not being able to express your emotions, at least not in proper ways because it is often a really strong, unexplainable feeling, good or bad.

Ship=(noun) (relationship) (pairing) people that you want to get together
Usually, the names of the people will be smashed together and combined to make a ship name

Ship=(verb) (shipping, to ship)
Ex: I ship them. I want them to get together.
wanting two people to be together

Cosplay= (cosplaying) (cosplayer) dressing up as a character (like Halloween)

Fanart= art made by a fan, of the original source
Ex. A drawing of a character

Fanfiction= commonly referred to as 'fanfic', it's a story written by someone in the fandom based off of an author's story or a tv show/movie plot etc.
It is a story written by a fan, giving credit to the original creator.

Fangirling= (fanboying) having a reaction to something that you love, like a book/show you love or reacting to the fandom. Reactions may include squealing, screaming, shortness of breath, fainting, endless blog posts etc.

Book hangover= the result of reading something so mind blowing (good or bad) that you can't process it or concentrate on anything else,
"the inability to start a new book because you're still living in the last book's world"

AU= Alternate Universe
taking characters out of the original setting and putting them elsewhere/a different world/universe

A Crossover= a story/plot involving two different stories/characters mixed together as one. Like when one characters from a show is in a different show as the same character.

The Daily Dot/society/how to speak
Urban Dictionary

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