Just some ways to deal with the feels. (You know... other than punching the wall or damaging the book itself...)
These are my ideas.
(This is just a list, I'm not saying these are the best methods to deal with issues!)
~M•Eat ice cream
•Cry it out (having tissues nearby)
•Punch a pillow
•Sit motionless and let it sink in, but remember to continue on with life
•Draw- let all your feelings out into scribbles or something productive if you have artistic talent
•Take a shower- that should keep you alert and feeling better
•Sleep- this could lead to odd dreams
•Talk to someone if you can-deal with the feels together
•Do something totally random that has nothing to do with the feels that you are feeling
•This is crazy: go outside and get some exercise in because that should make you feel better
•Lay upside down until you question what you're even doing (and continue on with life)
•Retail Therapy- buy a new book-this may lead to more feels-idk?

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