Guide to Awkward Situations

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As humans, especially of the fandom type, we embarrass ourselves plenty. As far as I know and have experienced.
So to help you out, I've taken ideas from online, from Youtube videos, books and my own experience.
But please remember, self confidence is the key to awkwardness. Embrace it because it can create some funny memories if you are able to just laugh it off!
We are all in the same boat most of the time and if you flip it over it's okay. Realize you don't have bad intentions and all people have their awkward moments.

Ordering/Buying things
-Feeling awkward about buying something or a lot of one thing?
•Pretend you're talking on the phone, as if you're buying the items for the "person" on the other end of the phone.
Say things into the phone like
"Is that all? Are you sure you don't want the other one? Okay I'll be right over to drop it off."
-Don't know what you're buying/ordering? Or how much it costs?
•It's okay to let others go ahead of you in line. But if you're the only one, standing around trying to decide...
Check online before you go to the store. Usually, the site shows what they have in store and available to order online as well as the prices.
•Remember to bring extra money in case but not too much in case you feel tempted to buy more.
•Places like take out restaurants usually have pamphlets with their menu.
Take one for the next time you want to order.

Using the washroom
(in public places)
-I think we've all avoided using the washroom at some point for some reason. Especially in public places.
•If you need to do a # 2, flush the toilet while using it or cough so no one can hear you. Yes, I know, beyond awkwardness.
•If you really need to, wait until everyone's gone.

Finding a place to sit
-You look in and every seat is taken. Or there's just no way you're sitting by that person.
•sometimes teachers leave their classrooms open to eat lunch in, check the school for other places than the cafeteria.
•Ask someone to save a spot for you.
Ask if you can eat with them tomorrow.
If you don't know anyone, you are going to meet people sooner or later. So it's good to go up to people that you choose to go up to. (Instead of being forced to sit somewhere as a last option.)

Needing emergency girl's supplies
-This is something that all girls can relate to so don't be afraid to ask someone especially a friend.
•Obviously, have your own supplies for just in case moments. And maybe even a change of clothes.
•You can always create a code word.
My friends and I used "lip balm."
•Keep your supplies in a small bag so you don't have to bring a big bag like a backpack into the washroom.

•feel confident in what you wear
(show off your fandom side!)
•bring an extra pair of clothes if necessary
•check the weather/humidity etc. before going out
•wear something comfortable that suits the activity you'll be doing (such as physical activities-good shoes/deodorant)
-skirts & wind/tripping & falling
•wear leggings/shorts underneath.
•make sure it fits. As in, it's not too lose and it's not going to fall down. But don't worry too much about clothing mishaps just watch where you're walking so you have less of a chance of tripping.
(The only time I'd wear a skirt or heels would probably be for cosplay but that's the sort of situation we're going for, I guess.)
•practice walking in them, inside and outdoors.
•find heels that aren't too high. Be mindful of blisters, because your feet will hurt afterwards.
-hair-windswept has never been such a dramatic term. Haha
•there are many different hair tutorials online. Don't spend too much time trying to do complicated braids. But there are definitely ways to decorate your simple ponytail. And again, check the weather and winds.
•try to think about how important your hair really is compared to other things. Hopefully there's something more important.
-wearing the same clothes
(Or cosplay when the other person is you but better)
•laugh it off and talk to the other person. You can go around saying you're twinning.
•Tell the other person how nice they look. It might make their day.
•Know that you have still have a unique style to yourself. And that you both must have great and similar style. It's possible you can learn tips from each other.

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