Chapter Ten

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            I woke up early and got dressed for my dance lesson. I walked down to the courtyard where my instructor met me there.

            “Hello Princess,” He bowed.

            “Good morning Edwin,” I curtsied.

            “Today, we’ll be learning some more ballroom dances,” He smiled. Edwin had light, hay-colored hair and bright brown eyes. He was short, but still a little taller than me.

            I put my left hand on his left shoulder blade and grabbed his other hand. I felt his hand on my hip and we began the steps of our dance. It was a smooth and fluid dance that ended in a big dip and a little flare.

            “Well, I suppose that should come in handy,” I said as seriously as I could.

            “Haha, I’ll teach you one more dance before letting you go to your next lesson,” Edwin laughed.

            “I’d be ever so grateful!” I laughed and walked through the next dance and walked to the gardens to wait for my next lesson.

            I spotted my history tutor heading my way. She wore a white gown and matching heels.

            “Are you ready for some history?” She smiled.

            “Liliana, what do you know about the Wizard Council- and don’t tell me about Leonthor the Conqueror and Arthur the Great because I have read maybe two hundred books about it,” I said.

            “Well, it was created after their great battle and they monitored the activity of most wizards. That’s really all I know,” She said and shook her head.

            “Oh well, I’ll find my answers eventually,” I shrugged.

            “Why the sudden interest?” Liliana asked.

            “I met a wizard at the dance the other night and he was… intriguing to say the least,” I said.

            “Oh I see,” She winked, “I can look into it for you.” She offered after a second.

            “That would be great! What history do you have planned for me today?” I asked. I loved history and science. They were my two favorite subjects. I despised mathematics.

            “Well today we won’t be discussing the great wizard battle, but I can find something else,” Liliana chuckled and pulled a book out of her bag.

            “You had that planned?” I asked shocked.

            “Yes, but we can work on next week’s lesson,” She flipped a few pages.

            “I can get ahead,” I smiled.

            “What do you know about the history of our country?” Liliana asked.

            “Well, my many greats grandfather travelled to this land with a group of settlers and they began to grow and make the land fertile for future generations. After he died, his son had to deal with invasions from Saturn and Mars,” I said.

            “Good, and after we just barely defended ourselves, Jupiter helped us rebuild and we have been allied ever since. Many arranged marriages between princes and princesses happened between Jupiter and Venus, strengthening the alliance. About three hundred years ago, Pluto made it their business to send in spies and get closer to our headquarters and secrets, but a brave knight caught wind of the scheme and travelled to Pluto and beheaded the ruling family. Unfortunately, he did not make it back, but his heroism lived on and his name was made holy- Sir Jakob Smith,” Liliana said.

            “After the death of Jakob Smith, who was married to Princess Anna Maria, new suitors from around the kingdoms travelled here to win her over. No one matched her first love and she died a widow, but her son reigned after her,” I continued.

            “Another hundred years later, a great rivalry with Mercury sparked and no one knows who shot first, but a great war broke out and we only scraped by because we received help from the tribes. Our alliance was then strengthened with the tribes and there was peace until a century and a half later,” Liliana said.

            “We had a huge fight with the Mountain Tribe and the war ended just seven years ago,” I said.

            “Correct! Now we are nearing five hundred years as a nation!” Liliana said and clapped.

            “Only ten more years,” I smiled.

            “You finished your lesson like thirty minutes early! You’re almost better than me! I need to read some more before next week’s lesson,” Liliana said.

            “Well, I’m gonna go wreak havoc on life as we know it,” I smiled and walked towards the castle. I ran up the steps and slipped into my room. I changed into my archery outfit and slipped back out to the training grounds.

            “Clancy, come fetch me in twenty minutes!” I said to the groundskeeper.

            “Yes Your Highness,” He said.

            I set up in front of a target and grabbed a quiver of arrows. I tested the string on my bow and grabbed an arrow. I looked down the shaft and released. It hit the center.

            I got ready to shoot another arrow before I heard a whisper in my ear. I turned and no one was there.

            “You idiot! She should not have seen you!” The voice rasped loudly in my ear. I jumped and looked around. No one was there. I didn’t hear anything else and I Clancy said I still had ten minutes. I decided to go up early and get changed for poetry.

            I wondered if it was the witches from last night but I didn’t see them. They just scared the living crap out of me. I had no idea what was going on, but I decided to play it safe and keep quiet for a little while; at least until I had the Wizard Council figured out.

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