Chapter Twenty-One

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            I thought about what I valued most. The first things I thought about were my family and friends and my castle. I realized that seemed selfish and thought about all the frightened women from the other day. I felt guilty about not doing more. I thought about how rudely I’d been treated with Terence. I thought about the growing threats of war with other countries and within my own.

            I thought about how I was supposed to be on lockdown. I waved goodbye and hopped onto Sky and took to the sky. I saw many rows of soldiers being trained and drilled in the training yards. I bit my lip realizing just how real this threat was.

            I landed and did my routine and walked back into the castle. I found my mother and father there with frowns on their faces.

            “Just how did you find your way out of the bunker and where did you go?” My father asked sternly.

            “It wasn’t hard,” I decided to keep Theo to myself, “I went to the Mountain Tribe to see an old friend.”

            “We cannot risk angering them Tara Anne! Why did you go there, of all places?” My father hissed.

            “I wanted to talk to Wild from the Jungle,” I said plainly with a touch of innocence.

            “Herman,” My mother said. He sighed and walked away towards the bunker.

            “I know, I know; grounded for life,” I rolled my eyes.

            “No; I understand you had to let out your frustrations but we have an increasingly large threat from gangs and the other countries,” My mother said, somewhat startling me, “We need to train for battle and undercover work because we’ll need your help.” My mother concluded, thoroughly shocking me.

            “Close your mouth dear; you’ll catch flies,” My mother said patting my cheek.

            “Where do I go now?” I asked.

            “You think I don’t know where you run off to when you’re supposed to be learning to be a lady?” My mother said amusement written on her face.

            “Aye, aye Captain,” I laughed and ran upstairs to get changed. I grabbed my sleek archery outfit and turned around out of my closet and saw Theo sitting on my bed.

            “Would you please stop being obsessed with me?” I asked, trying my best not to smile.

            “Go with the flow,” He shrugged.

            “What do you want?” I asked.

            “I need someone to talk to! I’m super bored,” He groaned.

            “Go wreak havoc somewhere else. I’m busy,” I said.

            “I bet you’re not,” He said cajolingly.

            “I bet I am,” I answered.

            “Tara?” I heard Emily knock at my door.

            “Get out,” I mouthed to Theo and he fell into the floor and disappeared.

            “Come in,” I said and Emily walked in wearing her own archery outfit.

            “Who were you talking to?” She asked and I broke into a cold sweat.

            “My reflection,” I offered.

            “Well your reflection has an awfully deep voice,” Emily raised an eyebrow.

            “I’m pretty talented,” I said.

            “Whatever- if it’s important, I’ll find out later,” Emily shrugged and shook her head.

            “Ready to go?” I asked, finishing my braid.

            “Yup,” She answered and we trotted out to the training grounds and I grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows and Emily already had hers.

            After nearly an hour of archery, we worked on hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting.

            “That was exhausting,” Emily said as we walked back to the castle.

            “Want to go to town?” I asked.

            “We’re on lockdown,” Emily said.

            “I know,” I snorted.

            “It really is mind boggling that your parents are ever frustrated with you,” Emily said sarcastically.

            “Are you coming or not?” I asked, getting two dark cloaks from my tunnel.

            “Why not?” She shrugged and we crawled into the tunnel. After we dashed quietly out of the courtyard, we walked around the outskirts of the city. It was nearly sunset.

            “Why are we here?” Emily asked her voice barely above a whisper and her lips barely moving.

            “I want to show you something,” I answered quietly.

            We walked by as the women hurried their children inside and boarded up their shutters. Emily looked in surprise and confusion. We were both on full alert.

            “Hey you- you’re the girly that caused trouble here the other night!” I heard a raspy voice. I turned to see Big Buns waddling her way over to me. I just assumed it was a woman at this point.

            “Tara,” Emily said in a warning voice.

            “You’re the reason gangs are on high alert and the reason they’ve been collecting more of our hard earned money, but you listen here missy! Don’t go causing no more trouble, you here?” She said, poking my feet with her cane, making me back up until I was against a wall.

            “Nice to see you too,” I breathed.

            “Your head is full of hot air! I ain’t getting to ya!” She grumbled and lumbered away.

            “Who was that?” Emily asked.

            “I don’t know, but I met her the other day,” I shrugged.

            “What did you do?” Emily asked angrily.

            “I might have thoroughly beaten the crap out of a nasty gang member who chased me through the city,” I shrugged. Emily started to open her mouth but was interrupted by a thud behind us and she went sheet white.

            “What?” I asked and turned around to see three guys, one of whom I beat the crap out of, walking our way. I noted with satisfaction he still had a black eye.

            “Crap,” I sighed, and rolled my shoulders. They were all popping their fingers and getting ready for a fight. Well, we can assume I said “crap.”

            “Ha, Alistar! You got beat up by a dainty little girl,” One of them laughed.

            “You know it,” I spat right near one’s boot.

            “Here’s how this is going to work,” One with spiky hair growled, “You ain’t gonna fight back or try and resist us or things will just be worse for you.”

            “Bring it on,” Emily and I said.

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