Chapter Three

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            “What’s the matter?” Maggie whispered, making me jump.

            “I’m fine,” I answered, straightening myself out.

            “You really aren’t. Step into the princess act or make something up!” Emily hissed.

            “I’m fine,” I insisted and blindly took the hand of a man.

            “I assume you must have liked me,” I jumped when I saw myself again dancing with Prince Evan.

            “You show up everywhere,” I sighed.

            “You seemed frightened. Did I scare you?” He teased.

            “No I’m fine,” I said aggressively.

            “What’s the matter,” He asked seriously.

            “I’m really fine,” I pushed him back and stumbled. He caught me by the arm before I hit the floor and spun me back up, queuing the guests to applaud.

            “That was unnecessary,” I hissed.

            “Tell me what’s wrong and this can be over,” He twirled me extravagantly again.

            “I’m just a little disconcerted from all this spinning,” I gasped and he grabbed me by the hips and slung me to one side and another. He was strong! I nearly swooned and the music sped up and the dance floor was cleared besides us.

            We sauntered all over the floor and I spun around and felt my fingers interlock with his and we rotated in a circle. I spotted my mother and father smiling and Emily and Maggie watching with their current dances.

            “Get ready,” He said and I braced myself. He grunted and I felt myself lifted off of the floor as the song concluded and I was like a bird frozen in flight in his arms. He grunted and lowered me safely. I gasped and panted and we both bowed.

            “That was impressive,” I nodded approvingly.

            “Don’t undersell yourself,” He smiled and we parted ways after a lingering stare.

            “That was an amazing dance!” My mother announced grandly and the guests applauded and returned to their conversations.

            “You enjoyed yourself didn’t you dear?” My father asked.

            “Prince Evan is a divine dancer!” I laughed.

            “I’m glad you had fun,” My mother smiled as my father took her to the floor.

            “That was seriously awesome,” Emily laughed when they left.

            “It felt seriously awesome!” I laughed and regained my composure.

            “Is someone falling for the good prince?” Maggie teased.

            “I’m not,” I said and took a sip of my drink. It tasted bitter but my family was not the chooser of the wine. I took another big swig and gasped.

            “What’s wrong?” Emily asked, still smiling from a joke she cracked with Maggie.

            “I can’t- gawk!” I choked and coughed. The smiles melted off of their faces and they went sheet white.

            “Help, please we need a healer!” Emily shouted and the attention turned to us.

            “I can’t- gawk- help- gawk,” I said hysterically. There was a pain in my stomach that felt like a dagger. I stumbled backwards into the arms of someone strong. I saw a tall lean man walk up to me and I went completely black.

            “What happened?” I gasped abruptly, sitting up in my bed. I looked around and saw my mother in my chair and Emily sprawled out on the floor. Maggie’s feet were half on me and her head dangled off the bed.

            “Wake up!” I smacked her and she sat up.

            “You’re awake!” She exclaimed.

            “Oh sweetheart, how do you feel?” My mother jumped up and Emily awoke with a snore. I was surrounded by animalistic humans; but that’s what I loved.

            “I’m fine, but could someone tell me what bloody happened?” I exclaimed.

            “Your drink was poisoned. You took your father’s drink and we found a wizard to heal you,” My mother said.

            “Well that stunk,” I said and stretched. I was wearing the underclothes for my dress. Emily handed me my riding outfit.

            “Oh my goodness! Great idea; I could so use some fresh air!” I said getting into my clothing.

            “Not so fast young lady! You need to rest,” My mother said.

            “Mother, I am absolutely fine,” I argued, still getting dressed.

            “You are not going outside today and if Lindsey hadn’t met a charming young man last night, she would be here to enforce this,” My mother said.

            “Well, you’re being quite unfair! If a wizard healed me, I am absolutely fine. They are honorable creatures,” I said.

            “What I say goes young lady and I say you stay inside today,” My mother said and left the room.

            “Okay, time to go see Sky,” I bounced out of bed and searched my closet for my boots.

            “Your mom just said for you to stay here,” Emily said.

            “I just said I was fine,” I said and slipped on my boots.

            “Come on Tara, give her a break,” Maggie said.

            “If I start obeying her rules, people might start thinking I’m responsible,” I laughed.

            “A ruler is supposed to be responsible,” Emily argued.

            “I’m no ruler. I have plenty of time to learn too,” I said, finding my helmet.

            “I hope you know what you’re saying,” Maggie grumbled.

            “Are you coming with me or not?” I asked agitatedly. They both reluctantly agreed. Somewhere in the pit of my stomach, I had an undesirable feeling.

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