Chapter Twenty

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            “What’s your name?” I asked as I found myself in the castle courtyard.

            “I’m Theo!” He smiled. I saw he had deep brown eyes and light hair and he was- kinda dirty actually.

            “Why are you covered in soot?” I asked.

            “I just came from Saturn,” He shrugged.

            “That’s really vague,” I said.

            “Well, I have places to be,” He smiled.

            “I thought you went along for the ride?” I asked puzzled.

            “Exactly!” He snapped and fell backwards and disappeared into the sidewalk like a cloud.

            “Weird?” I shook my head trotted over the stables. I got Sky saddled up before news got around that there was a princess on the loose.

            “Giddy up,” I smiled and took off. I noticed lots of Pegasus, or Pegasi, or whatever, were being lined with silver armor. I thought maybe this was more serious than I thought, but I knew the perfect way to clear my mind. I steered a course towards the Mountain Tribe. I had an old friend who could help clear my mind.

            I landed softly outside the village and walked Sky there. There was green foliage and brown crunchy leaves littering the forest floor. Birds sang their song of summer and bugs zipped by. I saw several squirrels run by. I even saw a deer. The forest was so lively and bright. It was quite barren in winter.

            I entered the clearing and saw tents and huts littering the ring around the clearing, easily blending with the forest. I spotted children stop their games and women smile with joy and the men snort, trying not to be too excited.

            “Oh Your Highness! To what do we owe this pleasure?” A man bowed and approached me.  He wore no shirt and leggings covered by buckskin. His hair was braided and he had dark skin and many tattoos. They seemed to tell stories and I noticed he had a nasty scar on his chin.

            “I am here to speak with Wild from the Jungle,” I said respectfully.

            “You must were our ceremonious clothing,” He said.

            “I will respect your customs,” I bowed and a woman of short stature handed me a bundle of clothes. I noticed her hands were rough, probably from years of work.

            I walked into a tent and changed into the clothes and placed my others in a burlap sack. I wore a pair of buckskin leggings and a loin-piece like the man, though mine was more like a skirt. I wore a tank top with fringe hanging from the neckline. It cut off above my belly button.

            I tied my sack to Sky and entered Wild from the Jungle’s tent. In the middle was a small pool of clear water. The old woman turned to me and smiled. She had leathery skin that was wrinkled from time and grief. She wore robes that seemed to make her hot.

            “Blue in the Sky, it has been much time,” She said in my language.

            “Much too long I daresay,” I answered in hers. We spoke in tribal language from that point as she struggled with our language.

            “I see you have something troubling you,” She said.

            “I do not feel myself,” I sighed. Wild from the Jungle smiled and lit a fire on the water. I gasped in wonder and she burnt some sort of plant. I assumed it to be sage.

            “I see you feel responsible for a terrible tragedy,” She said, closing her eyes and grabbing my hand, “You feel like the man died for you. He did. Your guilt will do you no good. He was guided to peace by an outside force. You also have the romantic troubles.” She chuckled.

            “I do not!” I said embarrassed.

            “There are two men who hold your heart and they are playing a fierce game of tug-of-war,” She said.

            “I barely know the guys,” I scoffed.

            “I would be careful young one. There is one who looks to tear you down and one who looks to build you up,” She foreshadowed.

            “Well that’s specific,” I said.

            “You have a great destiny before you child,” She opened her stormy eyes.

            “So I’ve been told,” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I was in front of a very respectful elder.

            “Do not take my warnings lightly,” She said sternly.

            “I respect your advice, but I feel vulnerable and worried. There have been personal attacks on me,” I said. I felt better that the guardsman had found peace. I wondered who the outside force was…

            “I know you do child so here is my advice for you,” She began, “Think about what you value most highly and protect it through the troubles you may face. Stick to your beliefs and do not let anyone or anything deter you.”

            “Thank you,” I stood and bowed, realizing when to shut my mouth and leave. I still had many questions; for her and myself.

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