Chapter 17

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Robyn's POV/

I woke up at 7.30am and oh my god! I remembered Brooklyn was coming over to pick me up so we could go to school together and I have like...WHAT? 30 minutes to get dressed and do my makeup! I better hurry!

Brooklyn's POV/

My alarm went off at 7am and I remembered that I had to pick up Robyn at her house at 8am. I also remembered that the paparazzi's took a picture of me and that girl kissing on Saturday. God I hate this kind of life.

I got out of bed and went for a shower then when I came to get dressed I heard my dad say "BROOKLYN! WAKE UP!" What is it with parents these days trying to get their teenage child to wake up for school? We do have our own alarms right? Which is a phone. Quit it! 

Dad opened the door and luckily he found me in my boxers. We both screamed the whole place down 

"ARGGGGH! WHAT THE HECK DAD?!" I screamed like a girl

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR BOXERS?!" He screamed and also covering his eyes with his hands.While I put my shirt,trousers and shoes on quickly before he took his hands away from his eyes.

"I'm getting ready?! There's a thing called KNOCK!" 

"I did knock on the god dam door! Next time answer!"

"I was having a shower for god sake!" 

"ALRIGHT! Get down for breakfast you need to pick up Robyn remember? It's 7.35am you better hurry up" He said giving me the glare

"Yeah I know that, Sorry" I said giving him the good glare.

He closed the door and I quickly grabbed my school bag and made my way downstairs quickly as fast as I could and entered the kitchen where my mum was making breakfast for me and Romeo. 

"Brook, you need to hurry and get going as soon as Romeo finishes his breakfast" She said giving me a plate of toast with jam and a cup of orange juice. I nodded and I ate my breakfast.


Robyn's POV/

I ate my breakfast quickly and I added makeup to my face and I added quite a lot of mascara and foundation on my face before Brooklyn sees me. I waited in the sitting room and watched a bit of news on TV and when I heard the door bell rang I slowly made my way to the TV to switch it off when I heard Brooklyn's name on TV but I ended up switching it off because he was waiting for me to come to the door,I grabbed my bag and made my way to the door and I started to wonder why was Brooklyn on the news? Oh well, probably because he was starting his new school and stuff.

"Hi Brooklyn" I smiled 

"Hey Robby" He smiled back and ruffled his hair

We got into David's Range Rover and god! This car is nice! I sat next to Brooklyn and he ended up putting his head on my shoulder.

"Hi Robyn, ready to go then shall we?" David said giving me a wink

"Hello Mr Beckham, I think we should now" I smiled

10 minutes later...

As me and Brooklyn stepped out of the car, David came with us too. A huge bunch of people in school was staring at us and paparazzi's had made their way to our school too which was unlucky. I saw Shelby and her girls giving me the dirty looks and giving Brooklyn and David the casual slutty smile.Urgh! When Brooklyn took hold of my hand I felt safe and I could hear people say "Hi Brooklyn and David!" or "Robyn your so lucky!"

Robyn's POV/
I went and sat down where I usually sit.Which is by myself.People never really bothered with me at all until now,I hated my class mates their all idiots!

*School bell rings*
*Teacher and New student walks in the classroom*

"Good morning class,we have a new student today so please be nice to him" said Mrs Smith and then handed the speech to Brooklyn.
"Hey,I'm Brooklyn...Beckham"
The whole class literally cheered for him and made a whole "WHOOP" sound but except me and I could tell Brooklyn was staring at me with a confused face. "Now,Brooklyn where would you like to sit? You can choose or maybe one of our students could offer you to?" Mrs Smith said and gave him a little smile.

"Mrs Smith! I wouldn't mind Brooklyn sitting next to me" said Shelby with a smirk on her face and she turned her head to look at me (SHIT!)
"No thanks.I would like to sit with Robyn instead Mrs Smith if that's alright" Brooklyn asked politely and gave me a wink. She nodded and Brooklyn made his way to my desk and sat down then whispered "Told you I got your back and I promised" with a grin.I gave him a little tug and knew he was the ONE...

(Sorry for the long chapter guys Another chapter will be on the way and its going to be upsetting for Robyn *little clue* Love you guys!)

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