Chapter 2

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This is the best thing for you and your career us...honestly do you still think you'd be a household name if it all came out...the presenting jobs...the adverts...the lucrative'd all be'd be over...think hard about it Kimberley....

The words echo around the blonde's head, tormenting her as she rides, pushing the horse harder, its hooves thundering across the grass.  Sweat runs from under her ponytail, down her back, moulding her flimsy t-shirt and riding jacket to her body, her jodhpurs sticky with perspiration, clinging tightly to every curve as the horse gallops faster.  The sound of a vehicle stalling in the distance draws the Bradfordian out of her thoughts, curious she skillfully slows the movements of the beast beneath her before turning and heading towards the source of the sound.

“Fcuking rustbucket! Piece of bloody sh!t!”

Sarah, Nadine and Nicola look on helplessly as their boss lets out a tirade of expletives, flinging her tiny body towards the van and aiming a well-placed kick at one of the rear tires.

“Chezza”, the redhead approaches her tentatively, “we can get it fixed and we're here at last, that's what matters, isn't it?” she asks, rubbing a hand supportively over the brunette's arm.

Cheryl stands limply for a few moments, giving the van an evil glare.

“Yeah, sorry everyone” she mumbles, shoving her hands into the pockets of her baggy jeans, frowning as she kicks at the gravel path petulantly, “I overreacted”

“You don't say” Nadine whispers to Sarah, the two give Nicola space as she gently takes Cheryl to one side.

“Her mood swings are getting worse aren't they?” the Irish woman asks her girlfriend.

“Mmmhmm...” Sarah nods in agreement, “in the van just now she almost looked scared about this new job, like she's taken too much on and she's freaking out”

“I've a feeling that it's more than that”, Nadine glances at the redhead and the brunette stood by the van, “whatever it is if there's one person she'll open up to it's Nic”

“Cheryl talk to me, I can't help you otherwise, you fancy a piece of choccie?” Nicola offers, waving the chocolate bar at the brunette who smiles back at her, an embarassed look in her deep brown eyes.

“No thanks, I feel really fcuking stupid now, making a scene myself when I'd been telling you lot to be on your best behaviour”

She perches her bottom on the step at the back of the van and buries her face in her hands, letting out a loud sigh.

“I'm just an idiot pet, I need to relax more, work on my anger management issues” she jokes making the redhead laugh.

“Hmm...yeah you did look like a right nutter kicking the sh!t out of the van”.

Nicola moves in closer, sitting herself down and sliding an arm around the Geordie.

“You know I could help you relax...” she trails off, looking at Cheryl longingly as she runs a hand over the brunette's thigh, feeling her muscles tense and twitch through the thin layer of denim.

Cheryl blows out a heavy breath, placing her own hand over the flame-haired youngsters'.

“Nic we've gotta stop doing this, we've known each other since we were kids”

“So?” , the redhead raises an eyebrow, “just cos I can remember us playing Barbies together doesn't make me want to fcuk you any less”

“In fact I think that's what did it” she continues, grinning widely, “the things that your Ken doll did to my Barbie, it's enough to make a girl blush!”

The Geordie chuckles giving Nicola a peck on the cheek before standing back up.

“Right girls” she shouts over to Nadine and Sarah whilst pulling herself up to her full height, “the Tweedy's got her mojo back, lets get to work eh?”

Nadine makes her way over with Sarah trudging behind her.

“The question is where do we find the elusive Miss Walsh?”, the Irish girl gazes around, eyes finally settling on a figure on horseback travelling towards them at speed.

“We don't need to...the MFA has found us” Sarah grins lasciviously, “ooh she's wearing jodhpurs....well she can ride me anytime!”

“Behave yous!” Nadine gives her drooling girlfriend a smack on the bum as the horse and its rider gradually approach them.

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