Chapter 18

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Just over a month had passed since Cheryl and Kimberley had spent their first night together.  Kimberley had been busy with cover shoots for various glossy magazines, a charity event and, today, a guest appearance on TV show.  Nicola had been released from hospital with the all clear and Tweedy’s building firm were cracking on with the extension which was coming together nicely.  Life was good, especially the parts spent with Cheryl, but a deep worry kept surfacing at the back of the Bradfordian’s mind.  

Staring out of the window of the private car speeding her back towards home Kimberley’s thoughts drifted back to her phone conversation with Justin…

“The thing is I‘ve met someone” 

“You really don’t have to tell me your every move, we’re long divorced remember” he’d replied with a chuckle.

“It’s not that, I need your advice” 

“Oh that sounds serious, what’s up?”

“I’m thinking about coming out…”

She’d let the statement hang in the air, unaware that she was holding her breath until the silence on the other end of the line became heavy, almost ominous.

“Justin? You still there?”

“Yeah, yeah sorry, it’s just…well…a shock.  You were dead against it when we split up, why the change of heart? Is it this woman you‘ve met?”

“A bit, I’ve been thinking about it for ages and now it just feels more right than ever”

“Wow she must be pretty special, where’d you meet her? At a shoot? On set?”

“She’s building the extension on my house…”

“You’re shagging a fcuking brickie?!” he’d exclaimed, his incredulity seeping down the phone line, “please tell me you’re kidding”

“I’m not kidding” she’d replied through gritted teeth, “and she’s not just a  fcuking brickie, she’s incredible, I’ve never met anyone like her in my life Justin…”

She’d paused before continuing with a hint of steel in her voice.

“Look if you can’t be happy for me then maybe I’m best dealing with this on my own…how stupid of me to think that you‘re actually still my friend”

“Whoa hold up! I’m sorry but the last person I expected you to be hooking up with was a builder, I mean you’re an A-List celeb Kimba, she probably thinks all her Christmases have come at once!”

She’d heard him sigh deeply on the other end of the phone.

“I’ll always be your friend, that’s why I don’t want to see you getting hurt, if this chick fcuks you over it could totally destroy everything, your career, your life”

“Don’t you think I don’t know that?!  It scares the hell out of me and I know it sounds crazy but I trust her, now are you going to help me or not?”


“Look who’s back” Sarah alerts Cheryl as Kimberley’s chauffeured car draws up in front of the house.  

Cheryl smiles as the Bradfordian emerges from the car looking every inch the superstar from her impossibly high heels to her snug-fitting short red dress and large sunglasses.

“How‘s the work going?” Kimberley calls, walking over to Cheryl’s side and surveying the building in front of her, “it’s looking good”

“Not as good as you” the Geordie grins lowering her voice, “you look really hot in that dress”

“Aww…only in this dress?” Kimberley teases, “and you’ve still not told me how the work’s going”

“It shouldn’t take us much longer now, couple of weeks if the weather’s on our side”  

A sudden silence descends over the two women as both contemplate the future of their budding relationship.

“We need to have a proper talk later, nothing to worry about” Kimberley states, taking Cheryl’s hand in hers and giving it a light squeeze, “I’ll make us a nice dinner, just you and me”

“Charming and to think we‘ve worked our little socks off today” Sarah jokes trundling past with a wheelbarrow full of bricks.

“You’re hardly going to starve” Cheryl quips back, “how’s about I give you an advance on your wages for a chippy tea” 

Sarah smirks,

“That’s more like it boss”


Kimberley glances over to Cheryl who, having cleaned herself up from the day‘s work, was tucking into her chicken dish with gusto. 

“What do you think then, would I make it onto Masterchef?” 

“Mmm…” Cheryl nods emphatically, “it’s gorgeous, where’d you learn to cook like that?”

“Self taught” Kimberley smiles, glad to have pleased the Geordie, “it’s not that hard really and it’s nice to have someone to cook for”

Cheryl nods again, a sad look fleeting across her face.

“I miss that too, being on me own it’s mostly microwave meals and takeaways”

Reaching across the table Kimberley places her hand on Cheryl’s forearm.

“You don’t have to be on your own if you don’t want.  That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.  These last few weeks have been amazing, I don’t want it to end” 

Cheryl sighs, resting her knife and fork on the edge of her plate, 

“Me neither pet but you’re a celebrity and I’m…“ she pauses, “well I’m not expecting anymore than I’ve already had” 

Frowning Kimberley gives Cheryl’s arm a reassuring squeeze.

“Listen I wouldn’t be having this conversation with you if you were just some summer fling.  I’m trying to tell you that I want more, I need more…please tell me you do too?”

“I do, one hundred percent but we’re from such different worlds and you’re still in the closet” the Geordie shakes her head, “it’s hardly a recipe for success is it?”

Kimberley shrugs, a defiant look in her eyes.

“Depends how much you want something.  Look I’ve been doing some thinking and I’m going to talk to my PR team about coming out”

Cheryl’s head shoots up, her eyes wide with surprise,

“What?! Wouldn’t that be…”

“Career suicide…“ Kimberley nods, “maybe, I honestly don’t know, all I do know is that I can’t carry on like this. I’ve been living a lie for years and it fcuking sucks”

“Kimberley!” Cheryl laughs, momentarily taken aback by the language and vehemence of the older woman’s words.

“What would the readers of OK! think?” she adds with a teasing smile.

“If they were shocked by my swearing they’d certainly be shocked by some of the other stuff I’ve got up to!” 

“Oh aye” Cheryl grins, “what’s that then?!”  

Kimberley eyes the Geordie up rather nervously.

“I…erm…well let’s just say that there’s some stuff I’d better tell you before we go any further with our relationship…”

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