Chapter 10

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Nadine pushes the door to the tradeshop, holding it open for Sarah as the blonde browses the list of fixtures Kimberley wants and the assorted other things they need.

“Right, we‘ll need to make a few trips back and forth to the van” the Irish woman states, “you sort a new angle grinder whilst I measure out the extra piping we need” 

“Ooh I love it when you’re all forceful” , Sarah gives her girlfriend a flirtatious grin before heading off in the opposite direction. 

“Excuse me” Sarah reaches the right section only to find a couple of burly men standing in front of the display of angle grinders.  

“Alright luv” the largest one leers, blatantly checking out her tits, “fancy getting your hands on my tool do ya?”

“No mate” Sarah retorts drily, “wrong type of equipment for me”

“Fcuking dyke” the man’s lip curls nastily as his friend starts sniggering.

“Are you ok babe?” Nadine struggles down the aisle with a tape measure and a couple of lengths of thick copper piping.

“Yeah just setting Tweedledum and Tweedledee here straight” Sarah sighs loudly, “we don’t do dick!”

“Nah they just wish they had one” the large man grabs at his crotch, “jealous lezzies?”

“Nat much to be jealous of!” Nadine dumps the piping, pulling herself up to her full height and poking a long index finger at the idiotic builders. 

“Listen pea-brains! Our clits have eight thousand nerve endings, that’s twice as many as the head of your pathetic shrivelled little penis!  I don’t need a crappy shotgun when I’ve already got a fully loaded semi-automatic! Now bugger off!”

The man and his friends stand stunned into silence by the Irish woman’s rant whilst Sarah grins like a loon.

“Yep you heard her, bugger off!”  the blonde adds, amazed when the builders move off mumbling between themselves.

“Phew!” Nadine sighs with relief as she bends down and picks up the piping off the floor, “I thought he was going to punch me for a minute there!”

“You were amazing, what with all your facts and sh!t” Sarah laughs and swoons comically, “my hero!”


“You should’ve seen her, she was like a fcuking dynamo!”  Sarah excitedly recounts their run-in with the homophobic builders as the four women enjoy their dinner break.

“Where do you get all these facts from?” Nicola asks, swallowing the last mouthful of her Happy Meal and rummaging around in the box for her free toy.

“I read before bed” Nadine replies.

“Really?” Cheryl questions with a grin, “and there we were thinking Sardine was an unstoppable sex machine!“

“Yep when you’re really both tucked up in your jimjams with a good book” Nicola giggles, “like a bit of Mills and Boon do ya Saz?”

“Fcuk off” Sarah sticks two fingers up at her pale friend, “she’s the nerdy one not me”

“Yes that accounts for my superior intelligence” Nadine jokes as Sarah whacks her on the arm, “oww!”

“Stop bickering” Cheryl laughs, gathering up the various fast food wrappers, “we’re gonna have to get more work done if we want this extension finished on time”

“Mmm…yeah wouldn’t want to disappoint Kimberley now would we?” Sarah teases as the Geordie blushes bright red.

“You do like her a lot don’t you?” Nadine grins, “you’re not normally this shy round women you fancy…oooh it‘s luurrve”


She fancies me! She fancies me! Come on Kimba pull yourself together and get in there!

Smiling goofily to herself Kimberley moves away from the open upstairs window.  The confirmation that her feelings were reciprocated by Cheryl made her giddy with delight, although she was disappointed that the Geordie’s uncharacteristic shyness meant that she would have to be the one to make the first move.  Still deciding what to do Kimberley heads downstairs.  

Peering round the door to Felicity’s office the Bradfordian sees her useless PA chattering away on the phone.  Enough of the conversation floats across for her to be able to tell that the call’s of a personal nature and obviously not work related.  Sighing she enters the office bracing herself for another showdown with the manipulative b!tch she cursed herself for ever employing.


Clearing her throat Kimberley gives the skinny blonde a look of annoyance.

“Ok…ok…yes I’ve got to go…bye” Felicity sets the phone down glancing up at her employer nonchalantly.

“How many times have I told you about using the office phone for personal calls?“ Kimberley questions angrily, “I’m not paying you sh!tloads to sit there and chat to your vacuous friends”

“No, I know” Felicity replies coldly, “you’re paying me so your dirty little secret doesn’t come out”

Resting her hand back on the phone she smiles cruelly.

“Perhaps you’d rather I called the tabloids than my friends, I’m sure they’d be interested to hear what I have to say about glamorous TV star Kimberley Walsh and her sexual preferences…your choice?”

Balling up her fists Kimberley grinds her jaw, making every attempt not to launch herself across the desk at the blackmailing PA.

“Fine!” the Bradfordian grimaces, “do what you want with your time, just make sure you fit your actual job in there too!” 


Annoyed with herself for being so weak Kimberley stalks into the kitchen flicking on the kettle and chucking a Tetley teabag into a mug. 

The day Felicity had found out she was secretly a lesbian had been awful, since then  the nightmare had never stopped with the cunning PA claiming twice her normal wage for minimal work.  Felicity was an unsackable daily threat, a ticking time bomb that Kimberley was desperate to get rid of.  So desperate that she’d once offered to pay her off but the glorified secretary hung on like a leech, draining Kimberley’s resources and energy.

The Bradfordian mused that, if she had a girlfriend, then perhaps it’d be worth the trauma of coming out to the press and public.  It was a big, scary thing but her heart lightened a little at the thought of doing it with Cheryl by her side.  The question was would the Geordie feel the same or would the thought of dating a celebrity frighten her off completely?

“Well you’re not going to get anywhere just wondering, it‘s time for action Kimbers” 

Muttering to herself Kimberley sticks her empty mug in the sink, as she gazes down at the plughole an idea forms in her mind….

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