Chapter 41

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A few weeks later the end of November was coming into sight bringing with it the obligatory dark evenings, miserable weather and, unfortunately for Cheryl, a bout of flu.  Although she’d been laid up in bed under Kimberley‘s strict orders the Geordie had instructed the girls to use the new van to bring as many of her belongings as possible from her one-bed roomed flat.  She was determined to move in with Kimberley before Christmas, even if she was prevented from doing any of the work herself.  Plus there’d not been any jobs on the horizon for a while and she knew Nicola, Sarah and Nadine could do with the money she’d paid out to tide them over.

“Where do yous want this one?” Nadine huffs, straining under the weight of the latest box.

“Just stick it down there”

Cheryl sniffles, nodding to a spot at the corner of the hallway next to an ornate suit of armour.  Shuffling in her fluffy slippers she unfolds the top of the box and peers in, gently lifting one of the three Perspex canvases from its wrapping.

“Ah I’ve missed you me little beauties”

“I wanna know how Kimberley’s going to react to you bringing your graffiti into her lovely old house” Nadine comments as Cheryl studies the ultra-modern artwork.

“Yeah” Sarah adds, sauntering through the front door as the Geordie replaces the canvas, “and she’d kill you if she knew you were up and about”

Cheryl winks,

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her”

“Is that so?”

The Geordie jumps at the sound of a familiar husky voice seconds before Kimberley strolls in behind a now grinning Sarah.

“Someone’s in trouble!” the blonde cackles gleefully.

Cheryl squirms,

“Err…Kimba babe I was just overseeing things…I didn’t expect you back so soon.  A…a…achooo!”

“Clearly” the Bradfordian states with amusement, her high heels clacking on the tiled floor as she approaches her pyjama and dressing gown clad girlfriend.

“You’re not up to this, I want you back in bed.  Now” she orders with a pout whilst towering over the tiny Geordie, “I’ll be up in a minute”

“Ooh Chez there’s an offer not to be refused!” Sarah jokes as Nadine tuts and tugs at her arm.

“Come on you, there’s still half the van to be unloaded”

Sighing Cheryl sits down on the bed, kicking her slippers off and easing herself under the covers.  She should’ve known that Kimberley would get away from work as early as possible to come home and care for her, it was all she’d been doing for the past week and, as much as Cheryl was grateful, it frustrated her to be sat there doing nothing.  Even though she felt like crap she hated wasting time, although she supposed it had given her plenty of opportunity to try and come up with something for Kimberley’s birthday.  Sadly so far the epiphany hadn’t happened and she was rapidly running out of time, I mean what exactly did you do for the person who could afford anything and everything their heart desired at the click of their fingers?

For her part Kimberley had insisted that Cheryl didn’t need to perform any grand and wonderous acts of love.  The previous night as they lay in bed she’d told the Geordie that, in meeting her, she’d already had her present for that year and all years to come.  As sweet as the sentiment was Cheryl was still compelled to come up with something…but what?

“Thanks guys”

Reaching into her purse Kimberley peels off a roll of cash, handing a handful of notes to each woman in turn.

“You do know Cheryl’s already paid us?” Nicola questions, offering the cash back to Kimberley who shakes her head.

“Please take it, you deserve more, you’ve been great helping fix the pool filter and now this.  Plus the festive season’s always an expensive time.  In fact how do you fancy going out for a meal soon, once Cheryl‘s recovered?  My treat”

“Sounds good, I never turn down free food” Sarah announces with a grin, “except if it’s one of those fancy places where they put a little dollop and something what looks like a twig on your plate”

She pulls a pained face and Kimberley chuckles,

“Trust me it won’t be dollop and a twig! So what do you think girls?”

After persuading the three women that she had no intention of taking them anywhere ‘too posh’ Kimberley bids them goodbye and heads upstairs to change, her heels in her hand.

Pushing open the bedroom door she’s pleasantly surprised to see Cheryl tucked in underneath the covers, her eyes closed, the only sign of life a gentle snoring coming from her open mouth.  Approaching the bed and placing her shoes down she carefully strokes a hand over the sleeping Geordie’s hair.

“Oh sweetheart” she makes a sympathetic face as she surveys Cheryl’s red nose and cracked lips, her girlfriend’s normally silky soft skin pale and dried out.

Turning her attention to the various bottles of medicine and the packet of throat lozenges she’d left on the side table she picks one up frowning as she realises how little of it the Geordie has actually taken.

“You’re a menace to yourself” she sighs in loving exasperation, “what am I going to do with you?”

Getting up from the bed she gathers her heels and strolls into her walk in wardrobe.  The day had been a long one or perhaps it merely felt that way because of her enforced separation from Cheryl.  Since they’d got back from Newcastle she’d had bits of work here and there, mainly interviews and the odd photoshoot but nothing to take her away from her girlfriend for extended periods of time.  Indeed most of the attention seemed to be coming from various gay publications who were still lapping up her coming out story or LGBT charities eager to utilise their newest icon in the ongoing fight for human rights.  Today she’d told the Geordie she was off on another shoot however the meeting at her management’s headquarters was for something entirely different, something she’d not yet told Cheryl about.

One week later…

“Doesn’t it suck having a birthday so near to Christmas pet?”

“Sometimes, when people try to roll your Christmas and birthday present into a single occasion so they only have to buy you one present, tight gits!  Pass me a hotdog babe”

“Damn that’s me latest idea right out of the window!” Cheryl teases, handing Kimberley another hotdog from the low table at the side of her which’s covered with plates bearing a variety of snacks.

After recovering from the dreaded flu the Geordie had once again put her mind to coming up with something thoughtful for her girlfriend’s birthday.  Having hesitantly rung Kimberley parents to check again Cheryl was duly relieved to hear that the Bradfordian wasn’t one of those people who say ‘oh you don’t need to make a fuss’ when they really mean ‘I want you to make a bloody big fuss or else!’  Not that she truly thought Kimberley would ever be like that despite the trappings of her fame and wealth but she figured better safe than sorry.

So, with Cheryl reassured, it came to pass that on Kimberley’s birthday night, a cold, wet and windy November evening, the two of them were snuggled down in Garsforth Hall’s spacious living room.  The curtains were drawn, the only light coming from the giant pull-down projection screen Cheryl had hired and fixed up to play an evening of Kimberley’s most loved films as they huddled together under blankets on a double airbed pushed up against the couch munching their way through a buffet of party foods, another one of her girlfriend’s favourite things.

“What film next?” Kimberley questions as she comes to the end of her hotdog.

“Dunno” Cheryl shrugs with a smile, “whatever you want, it’s your birthday”

“I know, I don’t want to bore you though”

“Unless you’re a secret railway enthusiast or a Trekkie that’s unlikely pet!”

“Ha! May the force be with you!”

“That’s Star Wars not Star Trek”

“Ooh who sounds like a nerd now Tweedy!”

“Star Wars isn’t nerdy, those first three are classic films.  Besides Darth Vader’s me favourite.  Great shiny helmet”


“What?  God you have a dirty mind!  Come on then decide and stick one in”

“Now who’s being dirty…”

“Cheryl, Cheryl”

As the credits of the last DVD start to roll Kimberley flicks it off gently shaking the snoozing Geordie.


“Wake up, my arm’s underneath you and it’s going dead”

Cheryl moves up from her position cuddled against Kimberley‘s stomach, rubbing the back of her neck,

“Uh, sorry babe, how long have I been asleep for?”

“About half an hour I think, I hope it wasn‘t the film?”

“Nah pet.  Today’s been me busiest day since I got better, it’s probably just took it out of us”

“Aww and all for me!  I love you”

Smiling Kimberley leans in for a kiss.  They’d not made love for weeks and the blonde was unsurprised to feel her body quickly reacting to her girlfriend’s touch.

“Mmm…babe” Kimberley sighs as Cheryl’s lips move to her neck, planting soft kisses there as her fingers unbutton the Bradfordian’s silky pyjama top letting it fall open to expose her chest.

“You sure you’re up to this?” Kimberley questions softly.


Cheryl grins as she slowly slides a hand past the waistband of Kimberley’s pyjamas, cupping her intimately.  The blonde’s eyelids flutter closed, her breathing becoming shallow as Cheryl starts pleasuring her, mouth hovering between her breasts as she murmurs.

“Happy Birthday beautiful”

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