Chapter e l e v e n

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Madison's POV:
I showed up to the party kind of late. 9:30. The house was full of people I didn't know. I looked around for James but I seriously couldn't find him. He was kind of short, he's got to be here somewhere. I sighed and sat down on a chair and people watched boredly.

A drunken angry looking chandler marched to the front of the house and left slamming the door harshly. A  few people jumped but didn't really think much of it.

A few minutes later a nervous looking Mitchell and Jamison stumbled over to me.

"Have you seen Landon? We can't find her anywhere! I'm kind of scared chandler might have taken her or something" Jamison asked.

"No I haven't but I did just see chandler angrily walk out the door... By himself" I responded, Jamison looked relieved that she wasn't with chandler.

"She's probably around here somewhere" Mitchell suggested calmly. I nodded in response.

"Have you seen James?" I asked suddenly.

"Oh yeah he's not coming to this party" Mitchell responded just as they walked off to socialize. I wonder why he wasn't. I pulled out my phone and typed in his number.

From: Madison
To: James
Hey, why did you come to the party?

He responded within seconds

From: James
To: Madison
I had to watch Aubrey, if you want you can come over and watch the lion king with us

I was obviously going to say yes. I lept up and started out the door to his house.

I'd been to the Dejong house only once before when I first met landon. It was for a school project way back when in 6th grade. I remembered that day so clearly for some reason.
I had gotten paired up with Landon for a project in our language arts class. I had never met her before but I knew who she was, everyone knew who she was. I knew who James was too but I didn't pay attention to him until he answered the door when I came over to start working on the project.

I was nervous when I knocked, I had no idea what the popular girl was like. But I was reassured because James had a sweet smile on his face and his long hair was a mess. Back then he never combed it and it always looked like he had a lions mane.

Instantly after that day I started pining for him. Landon and I became friends and she brought me into the "popular group". But all I cared about was being friends with James. I guess you could say I loved him.

Now, I had the same nervous feeling knocking on the door. I heard some bustling and then the same boy that opened the door years ago stood before me in pajama pants and a smile.

"Hey" he said quietly

"Hey" I responded

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