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"We have some bad news." Janson, or as Thomas and I liked to call him, Ratman, informed us. We were in a plain white room, in our usual plain white clothes trying to look interested in what Janson was saying, when neither of us really cared.
"We're supposed to be going in to the maze in a couple days Janson, we need to be preparing." I explained, about to get up.
"No, sit. This is important and it won't take long." He said, and I sat back down.
"I don't want to be the one to tell you this, but-"

"Violet? Vi?"
I groan and open my eyes, squinting in the sunlight coming through the bars. Newt smiled and unlocked the door, helping me out.
"What was I doing in there?" I asked, oblivious.
"Yesterday...don't you remember? You-"
"Vi!" I turned to Thomas running towards me, his arms spread wide. I squealed as he tackled me to the ground, embracing me tightly.
"Morning!" He said with a smile after letting me go and helping me up.
"So telling me a simple greeting requires being tackled to the ground? Duly noted." I say sarcastically.
"Well you weren't yourself yesterday, so I was worried, but you seem great now. So-"
Thomas got cut off by a loud rumbling; one that we were all used to. I turned to watch the huge doors of the maze open, while Thomas' eyes widen.
"Shuck! Gotta go sis, stay out of the Maze today, okay?" He yelled over the loud sound, his voice fading as he ran towards where Minho and the others were about to run inside. Minho gave me a short wave and a concerned look before running inside, soon joined by Thomas.
I looked around to see Newt was gone, but I saw him not too far away with Alby, so I walked over to them.

"-don't forget. Hopefully it'll be early with enough time for a tour. Violet, how are you feeling?" Alby quickly changed the conversation once he saw me get close by. I simply shrugged and smiled in return.
"Get breakfast and get to work then. Same with you Newt." Alby ordered before nodding curtly and heading off, probably to yell at someone.
Newt ushered me to the canteen, where we both got sandwiches and sat on a picnic bench to eat.
Neither of us said anything, but it was a comfortable silence, just listening to the wind rustling the leaves and others gladers milling about.

"Sorry about the Slammer." Newt said finally, looking sheepishly into his lap.
I shrug it off.
"No biggie."
I curiously eye him, taking in his perplexed face, as if he was contemplating whether to say something or not.
"Newt." I said, trying to get his attention. He didn't hear me.We needed to talk, and it was now or never.
"Newt!" I said a little louder. His looked up quickly and his eyes met mine, and I found myself suppressing a blush.
"Hm?" He asked, tilting his head to one side.
"Newt, we need to talk."
He frowned slightly, I could tell he was avoiding this for the past couple of weeks.
"About?" He inquired with a fake oblivious tone in his voice.
"Don't play dumb, you know what we need to talk about."
I don't remember myself ever sounding so confident, but then again, I don't remember much of anything.
Newt sighed, knowing what was coming next. He gestured for me to continue.
"Newt, we can't just make out a couple times and then just be friends. I don't get it." I sigh, feeling the confidence from before leave me.
"I know." He mumbled, as if being scolded for doing something wrong.
"I don't know what to tell you, or when to tell you. I want you to be mine, but...what if Alby doesn't allow it? What if Thomas wants to beat the bloody klunk out of me? What if I make a mistake and hurt you...again?" Newt said, his voice becoming softer with every statement. He shook his head.
"I don't want that to happen."

"Then don't let it happen. Simple." I shrug, not buying his excuses.
"You don't have a real reason, you're just being a coward. Grow a pair, Newt, cowards don't really appeal to me." I shrug, standing and about to leave.
"I'm not a coward. I have valid reasons for not being able to-"
"No, you don't. You're just scared. Quit being scared, and loosen up a bit."
I could tell Newt really took my words to heart, because I stood there watching different emotions pass across his face until one stuck there. Determination.
"Fine. Violet, will you please grant me the honour of calling you mine?" Newt said after a while, his eyes probing mine for an answer. I was caught off guard, but I didn't need to think much for my answer.
I opened my mouth to respond, only for the greenie alarm to stop me mid-breath. I huffed in frustration, as Newt hurried away towards the Box.

Really Creators, of all the times to send a Greenie?! I thought angrily, half hoping they could read my mind.

I stood with Chuck in the crowd of Gladers, watching as Newt and Alby opened the metal flaps of the Box.
Gally jumped into the Box, giving his usual 'Day one, Greenie' introductory speech.
They helped the Greenie out of the Box, and I was able to see him.
My eyes widened in recognition.

"Caleb." I gasped before I could stop myself.
The boy looked up, obviously hearing his name. Our eyes met, and I could he recognized me too.
"Violet." The boy said, before almost collapsing, his eyes dilating as if he was being possessed. He turned sand stared right at me, though it felt like he was looking straight through me. Then he spoke in an eerie, echo-y voice, as if reading off a script. His voice wasn't his own.
"Subject X1, you have been granted one final chance. Failure results in annihilation."
When the boy seemingly regained control of his body, his passed out.
Everyone turned to look at me; some with faces of concern, others with looks of worry. My mouth opened and closed, trying to find words to justify what he had just said, but I couldn't, because what he just said made no sense to me.
Alby started walking towards me, and I reflexively took one step back.
Two steps back.

Until I turned around and broke into a sprint towards the Deadheads. I didn't want to be confronted about how I knew Caleb and vice versa, so I ran.

I figured I was deep enough in the woods to be able to hide for a little while, so leaned against a tree to catch my breath. I could feel a major headache coming on.
I sat on the ground and massaged my temples, wincing in pain.
The intensity grew, and I went from merely wincing to full on screaming. It felt as though someone was tearing my head open from the inside.

The last thing I heard was a twig crack behind me before I blacked out.

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