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"I think it's about time we all got some sleep." Minho said after an hour of laughter, taunts and food.
I yawned and nodded in agreement.
"Where do I sleep?" I ask Alby. He thinks for a while before answering.

"Well, you being female and all, you should probably room with Newt. He's the person you know the best and he won't try anything on ya. I can trust him, unlike Minho" Alby says with a sigh, glaring at Minho at the end.
"Alright then. Follow me, greenie. Night shanks." Newt says before getting up and walking off. I wave goodbye to the others and scurry after him. As we walked off, I heard Tommy questioning Alby about his residence for the night. Unfortunately, we walked out the door before I could hear an answer.

Newt was walking me to a place he called the homestead.
We climbed a series of rickety stairs and came to a corridor of rooms at the top.
"Alright. Now consider yourself lucky, greenie. Not only do you get to sleep in the luxurious homestead-" I giggle. Luxurious? "-but you get to room with yours truly" He does an awkward flourish and opens one of the doors. The room is simple enough, a bed, a dresser, a window. Wait...only one bed?
"Uh Newt? There's only one bed..." I state awkwardly.
"Huh? Oh..." He thinks for a moment, then comes up with a solution.
"I'll get the builders to put another bed in tomorrow, but for now, you take the bed and I'll get the floor."
He says as he takes out a shirt and folds it, placing it on the ground for his pillow.
"Wait I can't let you do that. I'll take the bed." I don't want him to sleep on the floor because of me.
"It's fine really. Now get some sleep, greenie, tomorrow's gonna be bloody busy." He says and settles onto the floor.
"Goodnight, greenie" he cuts me off.
Before I can argue, soft snores are escaping from his mouth. I sigh and go over to the window, gazing at the stars. I look over the glade, which is illuminated by numerous torches. Not many people are around now, but sleeping bags scatter the ground.
I feel tiredness taking over me and I walk away from the window towards the bed. Just as I am about to climb in, I hear an especially loud snore from Newt, causing me to look at him.
He looks so uncomfortable on the floor. I can't let him sleep there because of me.
I can't lift him into bed without him waking up, in which case he would make sure I went to sleep on the bed. I sigh and take the pillow off the bed, placing it on the floor before laying on the floor next to Newt and resting my head on the pillow, letting sleep envelop me.

Newt's point of view next chapter! This is short, I'm sorry, but I'm so excited to get things started I can't help it!
Stay calm and love Thomas Sangster!

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