Siblings Then?

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Although no one was paying attention to my conversation with Gally, everyone seemed to hear the last part.
I was sure of it though. Thomas was my brother.
"Thomas is my big brother. We're one year apart, and we look really similar." I said addressing everyone. Then I looked to Tommy.
He was squinting at me, eyebrows furrowed as if trying to recall something, but it wasn't coming to him.
"Vi?" He asked. Why did the use of some random nickname bring a smile to my face?
"Tommy" I sigh with relief and engulf him in a hug. His arms wrap around me and squeeze me.
"Alright happy happy yay now shut up" Gally says, pushing through the two of us in an attempt to leave. This ends up with me sticking out my foot in front of him and him tripping falling flat on his face. Gally gets up, face flushed with embarrassment and anger.
He stomps towards me, balling his fist.
"Gally, slim it. Don't do anything you'll regret." Newt appears in front of me, arms crossed. Gally scowls at Newt, rolling his eyes and leaving the room. Newt turns to face me.
"So you guys are siblings then?" Newt asks looking from Tommy to me.
"Yep" Tommy replies, wrapping an arm around me smiling.
"Good that. You greenies will start testing jobs tomorrow. For now, stay away from trouble aka Gally and just relax for the evening. Today was pretty tiring" Newt smiles and runs a hand through his hair.
His smile always makes me feel jittery inside. I have no idea why but I know I felt it before.
"Thanks for sticking up for us" I say to Newt.
"No big deal. All I did was tell the truth. See you guys later." Newt shrugs and walks off.
"What now?" Tommy asks.
"Lets explore" I say with a grin.

After Tommy and I spent about 2 hours exploring the deadheads, and picking out good hangout spots, we went to Frypan's kitchen for food.
"Where were you guys? I was looking for you" A voice behind us said. I turned to see Chuck, hands on his waist staring up at us.
"Hey there Chuckie boy" I said while Tommy ruffled his hair.
"Don't do that and don't call me that." He pouted, slapping away Tommy's hands and playfully glaring at me.
I giggle, grabbing a plate of food and heading to a picnic table, followed closely by Tommy and Chuck.
"Wait Chuck, what's your job?" Tommy asked after taking a bite of his sandwich.
"Oh! Uh well you see...I uhh" Chuck stutters, his face turning red as he stares into his lap.
"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to..." I tell him, and he looks at me gratefully.
"Let's just say it's not the best or cleanest job here" He sighs and takes another bite from his sandwich. I nod in understanding.
I mean, someone has to do the dirty work around here.
"Newt said to get you guys to bed early, so go on." Chuck says after we finish eating. I pout and look and Chuck with puppy dog eyes.
"Do we have to?" I ask in a childish voice.
Chuck rolls his eyes. "Yes. Now go"
I stick out my tongue at him and get up.
"Night Chuckie boy" I smirk.
"See ya round, Chuck" Tommy says, ruffling his hair once more.
Chuck rolls his eyes and groans, watching us as we leave the kitchen.

Just a boring filler. More to come soon! Remember guys, you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can pick your friends nose.

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