Killed By Memories

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"Don't worry they're going to help us, I promise." The older girl that knelt in front of us reassured me, her hands pressed comfortingly to my cheeks, wiping my tears with her thumbs. Her eyes then flickered over to the boy standing next to me, who was holding my hand firmly.
"Protect her, would you?" She asked him, smiling when he nodded.
"Good. I love you both. I won't be seeing you guys for a while, but we won't be far away. The WICKED headquarters are huge..." She mumbled, taking in the massive building looming before her. She then turned back to us, and kissed us both in the forehead.
"Stay safe. Look after one another." She said, standing and going to the man in a lab coat with a rat-like face, and following him into the facility.
A woman in a lab coat who was standing next to him, stepped towards us, a forced smile on her face.
"Hey, Thomas and Violet, right? Im Tarla. You guys are special, and you're going to help us to do something very important. Are you ready to meet your other test subje- I mean, friends?" She asked in a fake comforting voice.
"Will she be okay?" I heard myself ask, looking to the door where the older girl went through. The lady frowned, but quickly replaced it with a smile.
"Of course she will, and you'll see her soon, but for now you have to come with me, okay?" She asked, looking into both pairs of eyes for confirmation.
We both nodded, and she took my hand- my other still gripping Thomas' hand- and pulled us through another doorway, to what she had called, 'Our New Life'.

"Violet! Violet are you okay?" I heard a voice call from somewhere in the distance. Suddenly, my eyes seemed to focus and my mind snapped back to reality and I noticed Newt in front of me, his hands on my shoulders and a worried expression on his face, along with Chuck, Thomas and Alby in the background, wearing the same expression.
"I-I'm fine..." I mumbled, feeling a little dizzy. "What happened?"
Newt sighed and stepped back.
"We were talking and you just blanked out. You're eyes were cloudy and it looked like you were somewhere faraway. Then you got up and out of nowhere started bloody walking. we thought you were going to take a klunk or something, but you walked straight to the buggin' Maze, and you would have gone in if Thomas didn't turn the corner at that very moment and stop you. Good that, Thomas." Newt nodded to Thomas, who shrugged in return.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened..." I mumble, struggling to stay on my feet. Newt and Thomas noticed this, and both of them seized an arm to keep me steady. Before I could say anything, my legs gave out underneath me and I blacked out.

Newt's P.O.V

"She almost broke one of our most important rules! That deserves punishment!" Gally yelled, spit flying from his mouth.
"Quit being a slinthead Gally, she obviously wasn't herself." Newt sighed for the billionth time.
A few Keepers had thought Violet should be punished for nearly breaking a rule, so Alby had put together a Gathering to decide what to do.
Newt was bored. She didn't deserve punishment obviously, but no one else seemed to understand that.
"I agree with Gally. We need to keep the order around her so people don't just start doing whatever they want." Winston piped up, quivering under the death glare he received from Newt.
"All those in favour of leaving Violet alone?" Alby called out. Newt, Frypan and Clint raised their hands.
"All those in favour of punishment?"
The vast majority raised their hands.
"Banish her!" Gally yelled, though most people just rolled their eyes at his outburst.
"Don't be a piece of klunk, Gally. A night in the Slammer, that's all. Gathering adjourned." Alby said.
Newt was fuming. How could Alby so that? he saw what happened! He knew it wasn't her fault!
"A night in the Slammer? That's all? Are you being easy on her because she's a girl?" Gally yelled, also fuming, but satisfied at her being punished at least.
"Would you bloody shut up, Gally?!" Newt yelled, groaning in frustration.
"Just because you like her doesn't mean you have to defend her all the time. It's not like she feels the same way about you, shuck face." Gally snapped, rolling his eyes.
"A girl comes to the Glade and you become a pathetic wimp. Shameful." Gally continued, shaking his head in pity and disgust.
A few other guys murmured in agreement, but quickly stopped when they saw Newt's face.
Newt couldn't think of anything to say, so he just stalked off, his face red with embarrassment and anger. Alby had told him before to take Violet to the Slammer, so he headed to the infirmary to see if she was awake, and really hoped she wasn't.

Violet's P.O.V

The memories were coming more frequently now. Not just when I was sleeping anymore, but during the day. The others say I get this spaced out look on my face and zone off, then come back holding my head in pain and confusion. What's happening to me?


"Don't you realise what's happening to her? The swipe has to be malfunctioning!"
"That's not possible. That can't happen."
"Well it is right now, and we need to do something about before she does something irrational like-"
"Like tell the others? What's so bad about that?"
"Don't tell me you've forgotten what happened last time with-"
"Are you crazy? You know we aren't supposed to talk about 'The Original Subject X0'!"
"You don't want to admit the same thing that happened with her, is happening with Subject X1, and the same way we got rid of her, we will have to get rid of Violet."
"You mean-"
"We'll get one of the gladers to do it."
"Which one?"
"The one she would least suspect."
"She isn't completely gone yet though, we an still salvage her."
"Well she'll get one more chance. If she proves she is unstable, well-"
"I know, I know. We take her out."
"No. They take her out."

Plot is finally building! I have a whole bunch of ideas, and I can't wait to write them! Stay tuned!

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