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I'll be updating probably once a week since school and extracurricular activities take up a lot of time. Most likely Fridays or Saturdays. Thank you for all the votes! Means so much. Alright, on to the story.

Violet's POV

After a delicious lunch of beef stew, Tommy and I headed to the gathering.
The homestead was filled with gladers, just sitting, talking, walking around. I was able to spot Minho, who looked extremely bored, his head propped up by his arm.
Alby was in a seat in the middle of a long rectangular table at the from of the room. There were other people at the table too; such as Newt, Minho an Frypan. The others I didn't know.
The rest of the gladers sat in chairs at the sides and the back of the room.
We were ushered to two seats right smack in the centre. Tommy seemed a little nervous, while I was just annoyed.
"Alright! This meeting will now come to order! Quiet down, shanks!" Alby yells over the din, quieting everyone at once.
"Now, we're here to decide why trap greenies were sent here at once, and why one's a shucking girl" Alby ordered. Thankfully, Newt filled us in what 'glader slang' so I knew what he was talking about.
"Now we're gonna do this nice and orderly. Each keeper will-"
"I think they should both be banished straight away." Some keeper cut off Alby.
"Gally! Slim it until it's your shucking turn!" Alby disciplines the boy.
This Gally fellow was not the most attractive person due to his potato nose and squinty eyes. Not to mention his eyebrows. Those things we're serious.
"Ok," Alby continues with a sigh "Newt,you're the second in command, so you go first" Alby addresses Newt, who stands.
"I think we should just continue as normal. I'm sure this won't affect the glade in any negative way. Just treat then like normal greenies." Newt says with a shrug and sits back down.
"Alright, Minho?" Alby nods to Minho.
"I agree with Newt. Except I think the girl was sent here to show us that we need to reproduce to maintain this population. Lots of shanks are dying, so maybe we need to make more." A few murmurs of agreement were heard throughout the crowd. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
I watch as Alby groans and rolls his eyes. "Gally?" he says, as of expecting what's coming next.
"Thank you" Gally stands, walking around the room.
"Now think about. For the past two years, we've lived in harmony with the creators. One male greenie every month. Never before have two come, especially one being girl! This aignifies something. Things are changing and we can't let that happen. Change is bad and we need to nip this in the bud. Both should be banished immediately." Gally finishes, sitting in his seat loudly.
The rest of the Keepers talk about what they think; some guy named Winston was for Gally, Zart was for Newt and Clint was for Minho.
Then it was Alby's turn. He sighs and stands.
"I think Gally is right when he says things are changing." A look of horror crosses everyone's face; even Gally's. I guess Alby siding with Gally was unheard of.
"But I don't think it's a bad thing." I let out the breath I was holding. I saw Tommy visibly relax also.
"I agree with Newt and think they should just live as normal greenies. Minho's suggestion has some substance to it, I suppose I'll think on that later." He said though his eyes said Minho-is-a-dumb-shank.
"So lets vote." Newt says.
"All with Gally?"
I held my breath again as more gladers than I expected raised there hands. Tommy drummed his fingers against his knees nervously.
"All for Minho?" a few glader raised there hands, but not alot.
"All for Newt?" I smile as that idea got the majority of the vote.
"It's settled then. They'll live as normal. Dismissed!" Alby ends, giving Tommy and I a slight nod.
"Wait! Don't you at least think this is a little suspicious?" Gally bursts suddenly. Most gladers ignore him and leave.
"This isn't right! They're gonna cause havoc in the glade. They're so many things wrong here! Like why do you look so alike? Hm?" Gally yells at us now.
Something sparked in my mind. A memory maybe? Those words seemed too familiar, like I've been asked that question a million times.
I don't know why, but I was completely and utterly certain of the next words that came out my mouth.
I stand, glaring at Gally.

"Because he's my brother"

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