Nice to Meet You

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It's been about a week since that girl arrived. Her name is Megan. Apparently she doesn't like me very much.
I'm not sure why, and neither is she, since we have no memories, but she's convinced I'm a bad person. Whatever.
It's also been days since that kiss Newt and I shared. Nothing has changed, and I'm not sure I want something to change. It would be awkward, especially since I was only here for a short time.

"Violet!" Someone called. I turned to see my brother, sweaty and stinky, jogging towards me as soon as he came through the large crack between the walls. Before I could stop him, he engulfed me in a hug.
"Ew! Thomas!" I squeal, squirming and trying to push him off.
"Can't I show my sister some love after not seeing her all day?" He whined.
"Sure, after you de-stinkify yourself!" I reply, shaking him off.

"I don't suppose you've seen Megan?" He asks after I recompose myself and make sure I don't completely stink.
"Nope, haven't. Why?"
"Minho told me she's a runner, just wanted to tell her the news."
"Really? How'd she manage that?"
Thomas simply shrugged. "If you see her, find me."
I shrugged indifferently. "No promises. She's doesn't like me if you haven't noticed."
"I doubt that. She's really nice." Thomas explained, his cheeks tinging pink.
"I'm sure she is...." I say, smirking at his reaction.
"I have to map some sections, so I'll see you at dinner?" He asked, waiting for me to nod before jogging to a small secluded hut at the edge of the deadheads.
I hummed to myself as I got food from Frypan and made my way to a picnic bench where Minho and Chuck were sitting.

"Oh, you're here, so Newt can't be far away." Minho concluded, surveying the area, while Chuck chuckled.
"What're you laughing at Chuckles?" I tease him, taking a bite of an apple. He stopped immediately, his face going red.
"Don't call me that." He mumbled, biting his sandwich.

Newt showed up little while after.
"Violet, how was your day?" he asked me. I was about to respond before I was cut off.
"Figures he would ask Violet how her day went. He didn't even ask me. He doesn't love me, Chuckles!" Minho exclaimed, pretending to sob into his hands, while Chuck patted his back comfortingly, shooting a mock glare at us.
"You should be ashamed, making a grown man cry." Chuck fake scolded.
"Oh you're a drama queen aren't you?" Newt said, rolling his eyes. "How was your day, Minho?"

"Oh it was fine, thank you for asking. Did some usual running." Minho replied, grinning at Newt. "Okay, you can ask your girlfriend now. By the way, you should tell Thomas about you and Violet, so he has time to beat the living klunk out of you." Minho teased, nudging Newt.
Newts face went red, as did mine, while Chuck did what he was known for; chuckling.
Newt was about to say something, when he was cut off by Thomas.

"Guys, I think it's time you officially meet Megan. She's runner, if you didn't know, and I thought it would be cool if she hung with us." Thomas suggested, looking at all of our faces in turn for a sign of approval.
"Megan's quite the feisty one, I swear my face still hurts from when she slapped me. I was only trying to introduce myself!" Minho pouts, holding his cheeks.
"I'm sorry. It's nice to meet you all. Violet, I think we started off wrong, and I'd like to start fresh." Megan said, smiling sweetly.
"Sure..." I say unsurely as she sits next to me and Thomas next to her.
"Fitting in good, greenie?" Newt asks.
"Yes, and thankfully Thomas filled me in on the 'slang' so I actually know what you're saying." She said, glancing gratefully and Thomas, who smiled in return.

I went to bed early that night; I really couldn't take everyone fawning over Megan for long.
I couldn't sleep, so I lay awake in best playing with my bracelet and staring at the roof, sighing on occasion.
About an hour after I left, Newt came in.
"You okay? You were quiet tonight." He mumbled, sitting on his own bed.
"Yeah. Tired I guess." I reply, sitting up and looking at him.
"Oh. Hey, Megan seems nice, but you looked like you didn't really take to her." He explained, getting up and rummaging through his drawers for a night shirt.
I shrug although he can't see me, flopping back down on my bed with a loud sigh. Newt changed quickly and got into his bed.
"Well, sleep tight, don't let the grievers bite." He says mockingly.
"How comforting, and the same to you." I say with a smile.

It's quiet for a little while, only the sounds of our breathing could be heard. After about half an hour, I decide to speak.

"Hey Newt, what are we, relationship wise?" I ask, not daring to look at him. Instead I'm met with soft snores.
I sit up and look over to him. His back is to me, and all I can see is his tousled blonde hair.
"Nevermind." I mumbled, lying back down.

He heard.

I know he did.

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