A Note

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"So, what's your name?" 

"Subject X2, The Liar." 

"And your mission?" 

"To kill the Immune."

It had been about a week since the mudfight. Tommy and I had been appointed our jobs; he was a runner, I was a medjack. Turns out medjacks hardly work at all. Sure there was the occasiontwisted ankle, hammered thumb or sliced open arm, but other than that, I just took naps on the infirmary beds.

I hardly ever see Thomas now, since he leaves before I wake up and goes to sleep as soon as he comes back. Newt is always busy doing second-in-command stuff, Alby's busy telling Newt what to do and Minho is the same as Thomas. 

I'm alone most of the time, but I hang out with Chuck sometimes, though I often can't find him. 

Everything was quiet as usual. Until an alarm suddenly blared throughout the glade. The boys didn't seem surprised, but I had no idea what the 'shuck' was happening.

I followed the crowd of boys to the box, waiting for it to come up. Alby pushed his way to the front, and when the box was finally there, he and Gally opened the door. 

"Supplies, shanks! Get your stuff and clear out!" He shouted, hand a box for the builders to Gally. I figured there was nothing for me, and began to walk away. 

"Hey, Violet! There's a box for you too!" Clint, the keeper of medjacks, yelled after me, holding a box of medical supplies. I spun around quickly, confusion clearly on my face. 

"For me? You sure?" I asked, walking back to the box and kneeling down beside it. 

"Yep. Right here." He said, giving his box to Jeff, another medjack, and handing me mine. I took it from him and stood, quickly thanking him and going off to the room I shared with Newt to open it. 


The box was plain brown cardboard, with my name scribbled on the side, along with 'Subject X1, The Immune.'  I sat on the ground in front of it and pulled it towards me, opening it. 

I sifted through the contents of the box carefully: shirts, pants, underwear...nothing interesting. I took out the clothes and placed in a drawer where the rest of my clothes were.

Then I noticed there were other things in the box. I sat down again and took them a out. 

A notebook and pencil.

A knife and a surgical blade.

A note that said  'WICKED IS GOOD'. 

Another note. Scribbled in messy handwriting, as if it were written quickly.  


I know you told me not to write a note because I would get in trouble, but I couldn't bear you not remembering me. By the time you read this I would have already been punished. Or killed. I bet Newt's ok. More than ok, since you're there with him. I don't have much to write, since I told you everything I could before you left.  I love you, Violet. I hope that you at least remember that.


The name sent tingles through my body; a very familiar feeling. 

Caleb. I knew the name, but all I could picture was a blurred image. A hazy memory. 

I put down the note and turned my attention to the box. There was one more thing inside. 

A bracelet, woven from leather. Simple, but I knew it had an important memory behind it. 

 I slipped it onto my wrist, twirling it between my fingers and admiring it for a moment. 

Then I got up, pushing the box under my bed (there were two beds now). I put both notes in the drawer that held my clothes and almost stepped on the blade. 

Why would they send me a blade anyway? I thought, examining the small object. I shrugged it off, throwing it into the drawer as well, and sticking the knife into my boot for no particular reason.

I had just closed the drawer when Newt came into the room. I spun around quickly, almost tripping over my own feet.

"Newt! Hey!" I said too enthusiastically, nervously fiddling with my new bracelet.

"Uh, hey." He replied. "Heard you got a bloody box. Figured you would be in here. What's in it?" He asked, looking around for the box.

"Oh! I, uh, put everything away already. It was just clothes and a note that said 'wicked is good'." I said. He looked at me skeptically; he knew I was hiding something. 

"Alright. " He sighed finally, knowing I wasn't going to reveal anything else. He then nodded tothe bracelet on my wrist. "Where'd ya find that bloody thing?"

"Made it." I covered quickly.

"Where'd you get the leather from? Pretty sure we don't have leather." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"There were some scraps by the builders. Got it from there." 

He looked at me, staring right into my eyes. I held his stare, trying not to melt under the gaze of his chocolate brown eyes. 

He soon gave up, sighing heavily. "Fine. You should get back to buggin' work, though. Can't have people slacking around here." He said, looking at me once more before leaving the room.

I sighed with relief, glancing at the drawer behind me before following him out the room, and closing the door behind me.


THAT WRITER'S BLOCK THOUGH! Really though, I had some serious writer's block, but here it is. 

Things are now starting to unravel, things beginning to develop and stuff. I'm excited! I have things planned. But for now...



Ok, I'm done. Happy Reading!

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