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Violet's POV

"Morning guys!" I smile , as I set my breakfast down at the table with Newt, Tommy and Chuck.
"You look a little too cheerful." Tommy groans.
"He's right. It's too early for the bubbliness" Newt sighed, rubbing his temples.
"Not morning people are we?" I shake my head in disbelief.
"More like not day people." Newt chuckles to himself. I smile.
"Well I'm eager to get started on the jobs today!" I say a little to happily. A few other guys turn to look at me.
"Oh right. You guys are testing slicers today. how does chopping up live animals sound?" Newt says, trying to make it sound appealing. I froze with the fork poised to enter my mouth.
"I'm not that hungry anymore..." I push away my plate of food.
"Sorry..." Newt apologizes. I just shrug.

While the guys are off talking about jobs or whatever, I find myself absentmindedly tracing patterns on my wrist. I never noticed I did it, until I saw why.
On my wrists, are multiple scars and cuts. I look at then closely, my finger brushing over them. As I touch them, I feel a wave of depression hit me, like they were the result of extreme sadness.
It's then that I realise two of the scars spell something. The first one says:


In big bold letters, slowly healing.
The other scar says:


This one looks old and faded, as if it were done a long time ago and has healed. Then, over it, is a big X. Straight through the middle. The X, however, is fresh and red, as if it were done not too long ago.
"Vi?" Someone snaps me out of my daze.
"Yea? Yea I'm paying attention. what did you say?" I ask Tommy.
I realise Chuck has left.
"I asked of you had any idea what job you wanted...." Tommy trailed off, staring at my wrists.
His eyes changed for a second; they became sad and depressed. Then they darkened and anger bubbled in them. Then they finally became sheepish and guilty.
This expression was nothing compared to Newt.
Newt looked he was about to explode. His jaw was tense and set. His nostrils were flared and his hands were clenched into fists so tight that his knuckles turned even whiter than they were before. His current physical position, however, did not reflect what he felt in the inside.

His eyes were dilate, and watery, full of shame, responsibility and guilt. They reflected heartfelt sadness and remorse; for what, I didn't know.

All I know is Newts eyes were the most heart wrenching thing I have ever seen in my life.
"Guys? I don't suppose you know what these are?" I show them my wrists.
They both examine them carefully, looking at every intricate cut and scar.
"They seem really familiar but I can't remember what they are. Maybe you fell...multiple times?" Thomas offered.

"I don't think so. I just get the feeling you weren't supposed to have these... and I don't want you to have them" Newt says.
"N+V...Newt and Violet maybe?" Tommy thinks aloud.
"I doubt that." I say quickly, feeling my cheeks turn light pink.
"WCKD...the same people who sent us here..." Newt also wonders aloud.
We all ponder it for a while score Newt stands.
"I think we should get started on's late"
"Agreed" I say, standing also.

I couldn't really concentrate on slicing after that. Not only because chopping up animals is cruel and disgusting, but I couldn't help thinking back to my scars. Wondering who put them there, and why.

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