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I collapsed on the counter in mock exhaustion surprising Beverly out of the book she was looking through at customer service.

"Hey!" she exclaimed closing the book. "I was worried about you. How did everything go?"

"Everything went well. We're good," I said pulling up. "Let's just say if I ever meet his previous Domme I might punch her in the face."

Beverly scrunched up her face in sympathy. "Oooh. That bad, huh?"

"Yes," I answered still angry at the story.

"So, how is he fairing?"

"He's trying." I sighed. "Right now, I think he needs a getaway."

"Double date?" she suggested with a hopeful excited smile.

"That might be a good idea. I've been thinking about going back to this club we went to the first night we met. I'll suggest it," I said.

"Sounds good. Daveen would like to have met Sebastian under different circumstances."

"Same here," I agreed.

"Anything else brought you in besides our fine bookstore?" she joked.

"No, just your beautiful face." I giggled. "No, I really came by to get some work done and pick up a book for Thalia and some reading I'm interested in." I lifted my laptop bag for her to see in reference.

She shook her head at me and asked, "Have you taken a break at all since you've been on "vacation"?"

"No," I answered knowing I was about to be chastised.

I took my work on vacation, so I wouldn't feel like I wasn't pulling my weight. Even my partner at home got on me about it. I couldn't help it. Maybe it was a distraction from what was really going on in my life. Working helped keep me from realizing how much I was floundering.

"What is the point of being on vacation when you're actually not vacating your responsibilities? You're supposed to be irresponsible, relaxing, enjoying the London air, not spending time inside with your face in a laptop for hours. What you're going to do is e-mail your partner, tell her that you're taking an actual vacation and you'll see her Tuesday morning."

I stared at Beverly. How had she become my conscious? She was the swift kick in the butt I needed to get myself in order.

"Do I need to stand over you while you do it?" she threatened.

"No," I answered with a lopsided smile. "I'll go do it."

I turned to go, when -

"Oh and Sabine," Beverly said, taking the role of my conscious seriously.

I turned back to her.

"Go surprise your sub. You both could use the break."

I walked out of the elevator on to the floor, where Sebastian's office was located and walked up to Vanessa's desk. I hadn't forgotten last time. I reigned in my jealous side and asked for Sebastian.

"Hi, I'm here to see Sebastian Acton," I requested.

Vanessa looked up at me, her eyes assessing me. Challenging me as her rival. So, she did like Sebastian. Hmm. She was cute I thought. Brown hair. Browns eyes. Aggressive.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asked, turning to her computer no doubt checking if I did.

"No, but he is expecting me," I said.

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