Chapter 6: Problems and Happiness

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Four days later, Jim wasn't any better. He was still exhausted and had lost more weight from not eating. He was getting everything from an IV, anything he would physically eat would make him throw up. His stomach had been messed up from not eating for almost six days.

Naomi's stress level was through the roof. Malcolm was getting his teeth, so he had a fever and constantly cried. Elliot wouldn't cry when he got teeth, Naomi would look in his mouth and notice a new tooth. With Jim so sick, she was alone in watching the kids and night.

Everyday, she would drop the kids off at daycare and go sit by Jim. People could tell he was loosing weight. His ribs were starting to become noticeable, the muscles in his arms were diminishing. Without actually eating food, his body couldn't absorb fat or real protein.

"Why do you sit here all day?" Jim asked Naomi as she sat down next to his bed one morning.

"You're my husband and you're sick. I stay because I love you." Naomi answered, smiling at Jim. He was starting to feel better and would be allowed to try a little more real food.

"Can you bring the kids by tonight?" Jim asked, smiling back at Naomi.

"Of course. They're starting to miss you." Naomi said laughing. Jim grinned and laughed, stopping when he started to cough. The fever was almost gone, but he had a lingering headache and a cough.

"I miss them too." Jim muttered, slowly falling asleep. That happens a lot, falling asleep. He couldn't control it, it was the drugs that they gave him. That's why Naomi stayed here, she requested that she be the nurse to monitor him during the day.

Naomi would sit all day and fill out reports. She would talk with Jim whenever he's wake up, which was usually every half hour. He would stay awake for an hour before falling asleep again. Then Naomi would go back to filling out reports.

This time when Jim woke up, he's have to eat actual food. Bones brought him in a granola bar. If Jim was going to keep food in, it might as well be something good for him.

"Have fun. Garbage cans here if you need it." Bones said, plopping down in a chair after handing the food to Jim.

Him took a bite and gagged instantly. He spit the food out and gagged a little more. "Are you trying to kill me, that's disgusting!" He yelled, wiping his tongue with his hand.

"It's not meant to taste great, but it's good for you! Eat it or I'll make you eat it!" Bones threatened, getting agitated. Naomi ran to the other side of the bed and stood between the two of them.

"Jim, eat a little of the granola bar." She said. "And Bones, don't threaten my husband!"

"I'm sorry." Bones grumbled, sitting back down.

Jim took another bite and chewed with his mouth open, wincing at the taste. "That is the foulest thing I've ever eaten." He muttered once he swallowed one bite. "I thought I was going to throw up from the taste alone."

"Don't be such a baby and finish it." Naomi said, which just caused Jim to groan.

Jim finished eating and managed not to throw up. "He's improving." Bones muttered, checking vitals.

It was time for Naomi to pick the kids up from daycare and bring them to see Jim. Bones had already left. Just before Naomi walked out, she turned and looked at Jim.

"Happy Birthday." She said smiling, before going to get the twins.

Jim was happy to see his kids again. He hadn't seen them in over a week. Both babies were giggly and happy to see their dad, Elliot handed him a green block instead of throwing it.

"Anything major happen with them?" Jim asked, bouncing Malcolm up and down.

"They're starting to get teeth." Naomi said, moving Elliot lips apart so Jim could see.

"Wow." He muttered, looking at Malcolm. Malcolm giggled and smiled, showing four teeth. "They can eat regular food soon."

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to that." Naomi said, laughing a little.

"They're seven months old already." Jim muttered, grinning.

"I know." Naomi agreed, looking at both babies. "And you're twenty eight already."

"That's not that old yet, but I still feel a little old." Jim grumbled, making faces at Malcolm so he'd laugh.

"Oh, it's not bad." Naomi said, walking over to the bed. She set Elliot in his lap before sitting next to him on the bed.

"I know it's not. My life couldn't be better." Jim smiled, kissing Naomi's cheek.

"Mine couldn't be better either. I've got an amazing husband and two amazing boys." Naomi agreed, tearing up.

"And I've got a loving wife and two great boys." Jim repeated, grinning from ear to ear.

"Would you like more kids?" Naomi asked, just stating a simple question.

"More would be great." Jim answered, laughing with the babies as they laughed.

"Pay a little more attention to their T-shirts." Naomi pointed out, silently laughing at Jim.

"Why.....?" He asked, reading Malcolm's shirt. Malcolm's read look at my brothers shirt.

Jim looked at Elliot's shirt and gasped. His shirt read I'm going to be a big brother and technically a middle child.

"Are you..." Jim asked Naomi, disbelief on his face. She smiled and nodded, kissing his cheek.

"Happy Birthday." She said, laughing. Jim had started crying at this point. He pulled Naomi into a hug, mindful of the babies in his lap.

"I'm going to be a dad again." He mumbled, crying. He stopped hugging Naomi to kiss her lips. "You're the best you know that."

"I know. Our family is the best." Naomi added, snuggling close to Jim. Both of them played with the twins and cried from happiness at the new baby coming soon.


Chris Pine's birthday is today, so I felt obligated to do that. 🎁🎉
Happy birthday to that awesome guy, hope his day goes well.

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