Chapter 35: Age 1 and a Suprise

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*one month later. I probably got something wrong with this, like the times, but just go with it."

Jim was doing much much better. He wasn't allowed to truly return to work, only a few hours at a time. He could eat more, not too much, but more. His stomach still rejected normal amounts, but he was getting close. He could eat the amount of a sandwich and some chips, but that's it. A man his age and height should eat more, but he was back to a normal eating schedule, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

It was Chris' first birthday and everyone wanted to celebrate. Jim was a proud father, his daughter making it to one without any major accidents. Except that one time the Klingons were attacking, but she was fine.

"Happy Birthday." Jim whispered that morning when he got up. He kissed her forehead, careful not to wake her up yet. Jim had to go to work, but everyone had the afternoon off.

Jim sat on the bridge, smiling as wide as he could. Today would be a great day. Uhura walked up to the chair, nervously shaking her hands. "Uhura, what is it?" Jim asked, turning the chair to face her.

"Captain, do you know where Naomi is? I'd like to talk to her on pregnancy advice." Uhura asked, still nervous.

"She's probably at sickbay-" Jim started to say before pausing. "Wait, what?!"

"I'm pregnant captain. It's twins. I'd like to talk to Naomi about it." Uhura repeated, still shaking. Spock's expression was frozen in shock, he looked up from his console.

"How far along?" Jim asked again in pure amazement.

"Eight weeks." Uhura answered again. "Is Naomi in sickbay?"

"Yeah she is. Good luck. Wait, before you leave, who's the father?" Jim asked, grabbing her hand to stop her.

"Spock of course." She told him before walking out into the turbo lift.

Everyone on the bridge slowly turned to face Spock, except Sulu. He just sighed and whispered "babies, babies everywhere."

"Spock, are you going to be okay?" Jim asked, slowly standing up from the captains chair. Spock was still frozen. Jim walked over to him and helped him stand up.

"Captain" Spock mumbled, barely audible.

"I know, Spock. I know." Jim said, pulling the Vulcan into a hug. Chekov stood up and hugged Spock too.

"I understand this Mr. Spock. I felt the same." Chekov mumbled, moving back to his station.

"Yeah, you won't be a.... horrible father." Sulu said, trying to be supportive.

"Spock? Spock?" Jim asked, still hugging him. Jim moved Spock away from him, the Vulcan was unconscious. "Alright, let's go to sickbay."

Nyota Uhura walked nervously up to Naomi. "Naomi?" She asked, walking over.

"Yeah Nyota?" She asked, setting the PADD she was working on down.

"I want to ask you some questions about being pregnant with twins." Uhura said, fidgeting with her hands.

"Are you....?" Naomi asked, shocked. Uhura nodded and Naomi screamed. "Oh my god! Congrats!"

"Yeah, so about having twins, is morning sickness worse?" Uhura asked, still nervous.

"It is a little worse, but it's not so bad. You get bigger much faster, which is uncomfortable. Who's the father?" Naomi answered, extremely happy.

"Thanks. Spock is the father." Uhura said just as Bones walked in.

"You're pregnant! And Spock is the father!" Bones yelled, dropping everything in his hands, his jaw dropping.

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