Chapter 46: Chandler Kirk

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*two weeks later. Alaska is twenty four weeks pregnant. Nyota is twenty one weeks pregnant.*

Jim, Naomi, and the kids nervously sat in a hanger, waiting for Chandler's escort to come. Everyone was nervous to meet him, even the crew. Apparently, everyone had placed bets. The bets were placed a couple years ago, and they were if Jim had another kid he didn't know about or not. Some of the crew owed each other a lot of money.

The shuttle landed in the Enterprise, Jim stood up. A couple minutes later, a teen blonde boy walked out, three bags in his shoulders. "Chandler?" Jim asked, walking towards him. The boy nodded and looked at the ground.

Chandler had blonde/brown hair, light green eyes. He was tall and relatively skinny, but not in a scrawny way. The bags were stuffed full. "Are you Jim Kirk?"

His voice was already a little low. Naomi could barely keep the twins from running forward and starting to

yell. "Yes, it's nice to meet you Chandler." Jim said, holding out his hand. Chandler carefully took it, scared.

"Yeah." He mumbled, looking at the floor.

"Well, I'm Jim. You know who I am. This is my wife Naomi and our kids, Elliot, Malcolm, and Chris." Jim told him, motioning to everyone.

"Hey, it's great to meet you." Naomi said smiling.

"Yeah." Chandler mumbled again, barely looking up.

"Let's go to the quarters." Jim suggested, walking out of the hanger. Shoulders slumped and feet dragging, Chandler followed everyone.

"You have your own room. There isn't much in there yet, just a bed and a dresser, but we figured we could get you some things that you liked." Naomi explained, walking next to him, Chris in her arms.

"Thanks." Chandler mumbled. Out of all the people he couldn't even look at, Naomi was the one.

"Chandler, I know you miss your mom. And now you're stuck with your dad that you've never met and his wife and kids. I can never replace your mom, I accept that completely. You don't have to love me or even like me, just be polite. I know you're going through a lot and I'm sorry." Naomi told him, stopping him in the hall.

"You're right. You can never replace my mom. You never will. But, with time, I might like you or even love you as a mother." Chandler told her, showing her he had an open mind about this.

"Thank you Chandler. That means a lot. I know the kids already like you, they couldn't stop talking about how they get another brother for the past two weeks." Naomi smiled, rubbing Chandler's arm. He smiled at her and looked down at the kids.

"They really couldn't stop talking about me?" He asked, astounded.

"They love you and they just met you!" Naomi exclaimed, laughing.

"Can you play games with us?" Elliot asked when they got to the quarters.

"Umm, maybe later. I just kinda want to settle in." Chandler told him, grinning a little.

"Want anything or eat?" Jim asked, getting himself and Naomi a couple glasses of water.

"No." Chandler answered, his face turning stone cold.

"Alright." Jim sighed, sitting down. There was a knock at the door, so Naomi answered it. Alaska walked in, looking stressed. Stress wasn't good for a twenty four week pregnant women. Her stomach was getting very big, the baby boy inside of her was bigger than normal.

"Hey, I need advice." She said sitting down. Chandler couldn't stop starring at her stomach.

"What about?" Naomi asked, motioning for Jim to get another glass of water. Chandler was still starring at Alaska's stomach.

"Leonard is driving me crazy. He's way overly protective." Alaska sighed, taking a sip of water. "Are you Chandler?" She asked, noticing Chandler. He didn't move.

"He's probably protective because you lost the last baby." Jim suggested, sitting down. "And yeah, that's Chandler."

"It's nice to meet you Chandler, I'm Alaska McCoy." Alaska said, holding out her hand. Chandler just kept looking at her stomach, tears were welling in his eyes. "You're probably right Jim."

"You okay, Chandler?" Naomi asked, rubbing his arm.

"No." Chandler muttered, running into his room. He laid on his bed, tears pouring down his face. Elliot and Malcolm were confused, they weren't allowed to run in the quarters.

"Did I do something?" Alaska asked, concerned.

"Oh my god." Naomi sighed, realizing why Chandler reacted. "His mom was pregnant when she died. You're pregnant, you probably just reminded him of her. I think her name was Alaska too."

"Oh, the poor kid. Not my fault I'm pregnant though, blame my husband for that one." Alaska said, staring down at her stomach. "We picked out a name for the boy."

"What is it?" Jim asked before quickly jumping up and running into the kitchen. Chris had found the knives and Jim just volunteered to take care of everything.

"Well, the baby's name is Hunter Horatio McCoy." Alaska said, grinning wide.

"Awe, that's adorable." Naomi sighed, covering her mouth.

"Chris, for Gods sake, knives are extremely dangerous." Jim yelled, the sounds of crashing and metal clinking coming from the kitchen.

Eventually, Jim emerged from the kitchen, Chris in one arm. He set her down in a chair, she screamed the whole time. "No, Chris, timeout."

Still crying, Chris pouted in the corners watching her brothers play. Alaska left a few minutes later to go apologize to Bones, Chandler came out of his room. They ate dinner and Chandler went straight to bed. Jim promised him a tour of the ship tomorrow and Chandler promised he'd play with the kids. It was strange, but great having a teenager now.   

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