Chapter 3

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Route 1. Pretty Strait forward. The Pokemon there are Lillypup and Patrat. I decide to train Teppy a bit, and let him follow me outside his Pokeball.

A Lillypup jumps out at us, and I have Teppy use Tackle. It actually doesn't do that much, suprisingly. I look in the Pokedex...

Lillypup's fur is hard, and works as a sheild against attacks.

Well, knowing this, I tell Teppy to use tackle again, only instead of going for it's side, go for it's underside.

This knocks out the Lillypup, who I heal with my healing powers afterwards before moving on.

I'm soon in Accumula Town, and see a crowd in the center of town.

"What's that?" I ask myself, then I say to Teppy, "Let's go check it out!"

Teppy nods, and we wedge our way into the crowd.

In the center, is a guy with green hair in some kind of robe. People in knight like uniforms with some kind of P emblem sre around him.

"My name is Ghetsis. I am here representing Team Plasma. Today, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to talk to you about Pokémon liberation.I'm sure most of you believe that we humans and Pokémon are partners that have come to live together because we want and need each other. However... Is that really the truth? Have you ever considered that perhaps we humans... only assume that this is the truth? Pokémon are subject to the selfish commands of Trainers... They get pushed around when they are our 'partners' at work... Can anyone say with confidence that there is no truth in what I'm saying? Now, ladies and gentlemen, Pokémon are different from humans. They are living beings that contain unknown potential. They are living beings from whom we humans have much to learn. Tell me, what is our responsibility toward these wonderful beings called Pokémon?"

I raise an eyebrow, "What is this man playing at?" I mutter.

"That's right! We must liberate the Pokémon! Then, and only then, will humans and Pokémon truly be equals. Everyone, I end my words here today by imploring you to consider the relationship between people and Pokémon... and the correct way to proceed. We sincerely appreciate your attention."

Shock spread through the crowd, and Ghetsis and the other people leave.

I feel tugging on my boot, and find Teppy looking up at me, with worried eyes.

I kneel down to him, and put a hand on his forhead, "What do you think Teppy? Do you think Pokemon should be liberated?" I asked him.

Teppy shook his head, 'No. That would mean that I would have to leave you. And I want to stay with you!' He said.

I sigh, "Thanks Teppy." I take my hand off of his head and he nuzzles against me.

"My my. You and you're Pokemon certainly seem close to each other." I look up to see a teenage boy with long locks of tea green hair, "Is this your only Pokemon?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "No. I have six other Pokemon. Wanna see them?"

The boy nodded, "Sure."

I let out my entire team.

Chuchu (Pikachu)

Dody (Dodrio)

Ratty (Raticate)

Gravy (Golem)

Omny (Omnistar)

Kitty (Butterfree)

The boy smiles, "This is quite a collection you have. Would you have a battle with me?"

I nodded, "Sure. I'll heal our Pokemon afterwards."

The boy nodded and sent out some Purple Cat Pokemon.

I scan it...

Purloin (The Devious Pokemon)

Type: Dark

Level: 7

Purloin often tricks it's enemys. But it is so cute, that the foe often forgives it.

The boy frowns, "Is that a pokedex?" He asks me.

I nod, "Yeah. I'm the forth Dexholder of Kanto. Why?"

"Well, you capture Pokemon just to keep them confined in Pokeballs. That's no way to treat a Pokemon." The boy shook his head, "If only Pokemon could be free from their cages..." He muttered.

I sigh, "I feel the same way. That's why I don't tend to catch new Pokemon when I see them. Infact, the only two Pokemon I caught myself are Ratty my Raticate, and Kitty my Butterfree."

The boy smiled, then returned the Purloin to it's Pokeball, "I'm glad that you know how I feel. Now I must go. Perhaps we could battle some other time."

He turned around, and left, but I bolted after him, "Wait!" I called out.

The boy stopped, and so did I.

"My name's Yellow. Yellow of the Viridian Forest. What's yours?" The boy stiffened.

Then, he relaxed a bit.

"N. My name is N of the Viridian Forest. We shall meet again, Yellow of my mother's homeland."

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