Will you? Part 2

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Y/n's pov

"Id love to......" Riley paused, leaving everyone slightly confused. She took in a deep breath and continued, " oh, c/n, id love to, but like i said earlier, i wanted to tell you something important. And that something is...... I dont love you anymore,im breaking up with you." C/n's smile instantly dropped, his face showing shock, pain and above all, betrayal.

I let go of Daniel's hand, covering my mouth with both my hands in shock, tears spilling out from my eyes, as Dan had a look of disgust and disappointment. C/n got up, the little box hanging loosely from his weak grip, tears streaming down his face. "W-why?!" His voice shaky, Riley inhaled, she half-heartedly gave a half smile " I.Dont.Love.YOU. ANYmore." She answered calmly yet coldly, a look of satisfaction in her eyes, which only I could sense. " Im sorry" and with that, she turned her heel and walked away, she still had her composure as she left, as if this wasn't a big a deal.

C/n had dropped the box, the diamond ring fell out and rolled around the grass, the gem shimmering in the light of the candles and deco lights. He covered his eyes with his hand and sobbed, his shoulders shaking. We ran towards him, dan rubbed his back as i tried to comfort him, "hey, its gonna be alright" he tensed, but i continued "you'll find another girl you'll eventually fall for, besides, its her loss. and the way she broke it to you! I mean, c'mon! She was cold, and emotionless and-" "Y/N! Thats enough! I loved Riley! More than anything! Don't you see? Ill never love anyone as much as i loved her! She completed me! No one, and I mean NO ONE could ever replace her!!" Dan stiffened at c/n's words, while i just stood there, my hand shaking, mouth agape, and at that very moment, my heart shattered into pieces. My blood started to boil with anger, as my left eye twitched slightly. "Fine! No one could replace her! But You know what?! It hurts! it hurts that everyday i watch the two of you as a couple, it hurts that you love her, it hurts that she loves you back, it.... I-it hurts that i ever Loved YOU!" At that point i was yelling, clenching my fists as more and more tears were running down my cheeks, then when i had realized what i had said, i quickly covered my mouth, his glassy eyes stared at me with shock and disbelief, " Y-y/n" the two boys said in unison, although C/n's voice was a bit raspy. But i didn't want to hear any of it, so i ran and left the two.

I ran into a part of the park that is filled with trees and only trees, 'a perfect hiding spot' i thought. I sat down near a tree and leaned on its trunk, i hugged my knees and sobbed.

After a solid minute, i stopped, i soon became tired of crying, so i do what usually clams me down, i climb or go somewhere high and just listen to music, and so i did. I swiftly climbed the tree and sat on the highest yet sturdiest branch, i looked down and noticed that i wasn't that high off ground,so i leaned on the tree whilst letting my feet dangle on both sides of the branch,I took out my phone, plugged in my earphones and played mah tunez.

----after 3 minutes ----

As the song ended, i received a text.....luckily it was from dan,

Danny: Y/N! Where the fried chicken ARE YOU?!?
I sigh as I open my phone and reply:

Y/n: I'm everywhere..... Wait, did you seriously just type 'where the fried chicken'?
Danny: yes....... And stop being a smart a$$ and come back! We're worried sick!!
Y/n: //le sigh// yessss mom....

Once i was done typing my reply, i hit the send button i turned off my phone , got off the tree,and walked back.


Once a saw a clearing, i ran towards it and headed straight towards the yellow brick road. I was finally back from the place i ran away from, heh, the irony, just a while back i would do anything to leave this place, and now I'm here once again.

As i walked towards the little dinner setup c/n had made, i saw two silhouettes, one was hugging their knees while staring into the sky, and the other was pacing back and forth, constantly checking their phone. as i got closer, the silhouettes became clearer, and the one that was pacing turned out to be Daniel. "Y/n!" I heard c/n call out, when i looked towards his direction, he was already running towards me, and i was soon engulfed in a hug.

"Geez y/n, where the heck have you been?! You had us worried sick" c/n scolded
"Sorry, i just needed a walk i guess"
He sighed first, then replied "As long as your safe."
I felt heat rise on my cheeks, but his statement was soon followed by silence.
"Y/n..." He started, pulling away from the hug, he leaned closer to my face

" Im sorry"
"Im sorry for hurting you, for neglecting your feelings........ But i only see you as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less"
I smiled, making him confused, i was just happy that he clarified how he felt because i.... I didn't want to be taken advantage of, especially by someone i like-no-love-wait wrong again-loved.

" Thats okay, c/n" i smiled
"So will you forgive me? Will you?"
"Yes....... Besides, why wouldn't I? you are my friend after all"

I smiled at my own words of course he was just a friend.Haha, yeah............ Friend.


Halloo my dear gemz! Im back with another chapter!
I hoped you enjoyed!
Cya in the next chapter!!


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