Nightmares and sleepovers

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This was inspired by the dream I had last night... :D
Oh and thanks for the votes! I really appreciate them!
Enjoy the story!!!
P.S. S/n means school name
Y/a means your age
N/n is nickname
F/m favorite movie


Y/n's Pov

Another day here at s/n academy, it's as big as hogwarts, but not as cool.
S/n academy is a boarding school, for kids who......... Who's parents are in a better place. I was 8 when it happened; I had no aunts, no uncles, and I don't even know my grandparents. I don't know what the school director saw in me, but whatever it was, it had brought me here.

I am now y/a, and I am at the top of my class. Im smarter than an average of students, but that average is only 20% of the class. BF/n slowly making her way out of that 20%,
She's been my BFF ever since I got here, a few months later, another student was brought here, and he was quickly added to our group. His name is c/n.

I have to admit, He is quite a looker, and he ps pretty nice too. Every student here in s/n academy have their own dorms, and some are pretty huge, I'm lucky that I got a huge one too. We may have our own dorms, but that doesn't mean we can't have sleepovers!!

Speaking of sleepovers... Since its around the holidays we can do whatever we want.

" YO N/N!!" C/n's voice boomed throughout my dorm," THE DISC WONT WORK!!" I sigh as I walk into my living room and yelled " Well then, CHOOSE ANOTHER ONE!" He groaned as he walked to the DVD rack," oh! Here! Let's watch f/m!!" I immediately nodded and sat down beside him, a bowl of popcorn in my hands, c/n put in the disc and turned off the lights for a cinematic effect and sat down beside me on the couch.(( he's on your right))

After a few minutes I realized that I was cuddled into his chest, he didn't seem bothered by it though. A while after c/n shifted and put his arm around me, cuddling me closer, I swear I could see his face tinted in a faint pink, and if it wasn't for the dark he would notice mine as well. I raised a brow at him, a faint smile on my face," what? it's cold and you're warm. Problem solved." He reasoned before stuffing popcorn into his mouth, I playfully roll my eyes at him.

In the middle of the movie, my phone rings. I pause the movie and look at the caller ID: it was BF/n, I answer the call, apparently she just needed some info on a project she was doing, so I fill her in on the details that she needed, but what made the blush return was that while my left hand held the phone, c/n was playing with my right hand, holding it, intertwining his finger with mine and tracing my palm.

When the call ended, I played the movie and sat back down, but this time c/n pulled even closer to him, I was practically sitting in his lap, we both blushed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt comfortable...... I felt safe......I felt...... Loved.

-timeskip- end of the movie

I woke up by someone shaking me, when I opened my eyes I was immediately greeted by c/n's h/e/c ones. I was confused at first but then I remembered why he was here, the movie.

I yawned," what time is it?" " it's an hour before midnight." My eyes widened. " WAIT, WHAT?" He nodded in response." Well I'm going to bed, if the others are coming for the sleep over, let them in but don't disturb my slumberrr" I warned half joking as I went in my room, changed and slept.

~ timeskip around 3 am~

C/n's Pov,

I woke up all of a sudden, I huffed. I was dreaming about y/n. Just as I was about to go back to sleep, I heard whimpering coming for y/n's room, out of curiosity and concern, I sneaked into her room and saw her mumbling in her sleep. She was having a nightmare.

She was crying as well, I closed the door and sat down beside her, on her bed, she seemed to sense my presence because she calmed down a bit. I brushed away a strand of hair from her face and leaned down focused on her lips, but instead, I kissed her forehead, which seemed to wake her. " c-c/n? What are you doing here?" She muttered.

I immediately stood up" you had a nightmare.. S-sorry, I'll go.." She shot up," WAIT!, I mean..can you.. Uh, never mind." She huffed which made me chuckle." You want me to stay with you..?" She nodded sheepishly as a reply.

I smiled and climbed into bed with her, our backs facing. After around five minutes, she still seemed awake." Can't sleep?" I questioned" yeah"," wanna talk about your nightmare?" " n-no." I turned around and hugged her from behind, my arms wrapped around her waist as I placed my head on top of hers, she whimpered."shh, sleep."

After I few minutes she fell asleep, I smiled and slowly followed her into slumber. I can't stand seeing her cry. I hate it when I can't make her feel happy. And I hate it that I haven't told her those three words," I love you" I mumbled, she stirred and face me, a smile on her face as she gave a quick peck on my lips, which made me blush. " love you too" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck, I turned and laid on my back, bringing her on top of me," can we sleep now, love?" She giggled " surely"

Bonus scene!!

Y/n's Pov

I woke up to flashing and squealing, only to see my friends fangirling and fanboying over us, BF/n squealed rather loudly, causing c/n to wake up with a start,causing me to fall to the floor, but I was holding onto c/n, making him go down with me, or more specifically, on top of me, " good morning, beautiful." He greeted, our faces inches apart, meanwhile in the background, everyone was either recording or taking pictures. I roll my eyes at them," well, good morning to you too ,handsome" I said, pecking his lips, causing BF/n to fake faint due to over fangirling. We all laugh it out as c/n helps me up, holding my waist, we all laugh at our own randomness.

Yep, I'm totally keeping these guys forever, especially c/n, after all he's my boyfriend now.

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