Vision of a Foreshadow

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Omg! 1k reads! Thnx so much guys!! Anyway, let's carry on with the story.


Y/n's Pov

"Y/n!" A voice called, I whipped my head around to see c/n walking towards me, in a somewhat angry manner. "Y/n" he said firmly as I faced him," yes, c/n?" He crossed his arms,and did a small snarl,
everyone in the hallway had directed their focus towards us, c/n grabbed both my wrists and  looked at me," y/n know what you stole from me!" My eyes widened" I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING FORM YOU!" By now, we were screaming at each other, considering we're only a few inches apart.
He pulled me closer to him, took the chance, and placed his lips on mine.

~end of dream~~

I shot up from my bed, a bit shocked from my dream, or vision if you rather. Every dream that I've had, was always a vision of what would happened later in time. I rarely dream though, sometimes all I see is a white screen, sometimes black, but that doesn't matter right now.

I glanced at window seeing that it was still night time, I hugged my knees, saying

" n-no, I don't like him, we're enemies...i HATE him....r-right..?"

I scream in frustration, then I hear banging from the other room and a muffled " GO BACK TO SLEEP!", I just sigh and do as told, hoping not to dream of that again.... Because after all.... I do hate him.....

~ at school~


There goes the bell, now, I get eat, then two more periods and then home sweet home! As I begin to walk down the hallway, I have a sudden feeling of deja vu, the it hit me,literally, I turn around to see a paper ball on the floor and a smirking c/n and his two idiotic 'goons', [friend #1] and [friend #2] I sigh and keep on walking before I get slammed into a locker, hitting my head a bit, I rub the back of my head before looking up to glare at the person who pushed me " awww, poor little y/n, what? To weak to speak huh?" R/g/n chuckled, now everyone had gathered around us, 'oooooh-ing'.

r/g/n was my most hated rival/bully-that's not so good at doing her job, but don't get me wrong, she's one hell of a bully, it's just that it never really gets to me, I either just ignore her, make a sassy-burn comeback or even both, but she chose the wrong day to pick on me, I may not be on my period, but that doesn't mean I won't put up a fight, that's what I feel like finally doing, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do, thanks to my almost-black-belt skills, I can finally flip this bitc-........ Female dog.

I stand up and did an unnoticed fighting stance," aww, is wittle y/n finally gonna fight back?" She said, in a baby voice. I narrowed my eyes," why don't you just shut up for once." I growled, making the crowd oooh. She attempted to slap me, but I'm faster, I grabbed her wrist and slapped her, right on her overly-make-uped cheek, she touched her cheek, as her hair covered her eyes, but once she looked up, her eyes were burning with rage.

she forcefully turned me around and grabbed my hair, I scoffed at her 'comeback' before turning around, pushing her away, but before she could take a step back, I grabbed her wrist, quickly went around her, and kicked her feet, causing her to fall on the floor, with me sitting on her back, I still had her wrist in my grip, which she failed to break, I lightly-but roughly-pushed against her nape, enabling her to lift her head, I leaned in and said," why don't you just spend your money on something useful instead of using them for all that make up"

I stood up and walked away as the crowd ooh-d lightly, but I stopped, thinking of another comeback," oh and by the way, even though you wear all that make up, I can still see the rotten ugliness of your soul and that dim-lighted head of yours" the crowd roared as I made my way to the cafeteria, but I can't help think and feel that someone is watching me...

C/n's Pov(( it's been a while))

As she walked away, my face grew hot and my heart started to beat faster, I stared at her in awe, just now noticing her features, her beautiful h/l h/c h/t hair, those piercing e/c eyes and her figure... WAIT WHAT?! I can't think of her like that! I don't even like her! Do I?.... Arghhh!
I sigh and thought,'I think I just fell for first/n l/n'

~ time skip, tomorrow lunch break, cuz I have no more ideas~

Y/n's Pov

"Y/n!" A voice called, I whipped my head around to see c/n walking towards me, in a somewhat angry manner. "Y/n" he said firmly as I faced him," yes, c/n?" He crossed his arms,and did a small snarl,
"don't play dumb y/n, you know why I'm here."
" no I don't"
He unfolded his arms and clenched him fists,"grr, yes you do!"
Now it was my turn to cross my arms,"n-o-p-e, nope" I said popping the letter 'p'

everyone in the hallway had directed their focus towards us, c/n grabbed both my wrists and looked at me," y/n know what you stole from me!" My eyes widened" I DIDN'T STEAL ANYTHING FORM YOU!" By now, we were screaming at each other, considering we're only a few inches apart.

He held my wrists a little tighter, but i didn't wince, instead I stared at him dead in the eye. We've been enemies since third grade, that was the time I had transferred to this school, but I've got to admit, I do have a crush on him, but that's only like, 0.000000000000000000001% that's what my mind is telling me though, but my heart.....

"Fine, I'll tell you what you stole! I'll tell you what you stole with those e/c eyes! What you stole with that beautiful h/c hair! What you stole with your graceful but deadly actions! Y/n...." I blushed

" you stole my heart y/n! I didn't know how, I'm not entirely sure why, but you! You're the reason why... The reason why my heart is missing, but even though it's with you..." He gently pulled me, now we're close...

" I can still hear it beating your name, over.." Closer "... And over.." Closer " and over..." ..face to face we stand..." And over."

He pulled me closer to him, took the chance, and placed his lips on mine, and I gladly kissed back.

Now I realize what my heart wants.

I love him.

After all, the more you hate..

..the more you love

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