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OKAY WOW 100 Follows?!?! You guys are amazing!! This'd all be in all caps but it's broken and I'd have to toggle between that in every word I make so yeah.... I love you guys so much! I have no idea what to make so... Here have a little something I guess :) ;) it's short, but it's meaningful in a way

Y/n's POV

'Every word'

I smiled at him, I had no idea, I'd never think that being with him would be possible.

'Every smile'

He smiled back, then Ruffled my hair. I'm lucky to have him. At least here..

'Every laugh and giggle'

My smile faltered for a second, but he still noticed,"what's wrong?" He asked, holding me in his arms.

'Every vote and comment'

"It's... It's nothing... I'm just grateful to have you here with me."I shuffled,"you're such a nerd," he commented, laughing," yeah but, I'm your nerd!" I blurted, throwing my arms in the air before wrapping them around his neck.

'And with every tear'

He shook his head playfully, then gave a peck on my lips,"I love you","I love you too"

'And will all the shit I made that y'all had to put up with'

And I know that we had the same thing on our minds:

'Thank you'

'Thanks you guys so much, I know I've said this a numerous amount of times, but I truly am grateful. This time, no shoutouts, because it took every single one of you to put me wherever I am today. You're all special, and contributed to this book in some ways, wether being a silent reader, or one of the loudest, I'm thankful. I love you guys. Crystal aster here, and don't ever forget to shine!💕❤️'

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