Fluffy ( fox hybrid x reader)

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This is gonna be a little different, you know, to shake things up a bit.

In this you'll kinda look like a neko, but as a fox instead


Y/n's Pov

Last period of the day. I shivered a bit, if I were in my neko form, my ears would be flat. For the past week I've been arguing wether or not to tell me friends about my 'powers' of being a hybrid, and I've decided that I should tell them. And hell am I nervous.

The teacher was just rambling on and on about the lesson, while I was just staring down at my notebook, letting my pen mindlessly dance around the page. My mind was filled of possible scenarios of what could happen when I tell them.

They could:
A. Freak out and ditch me
B.accept me without fuss
Or C. Accept me but keep on bugging me about my powers.

Those were my top three possible scenarios that would come to mind, the others were just plain impossible to even actually happen. pfft as if Hagrid would magically appear out of nowhere and tell me that I'm a wizard. That obviously can't happen 'cuz you know, I'm not 11 anymore.

Little did I know, that the teacher had been calling my name, until my seatmate nudged my arm.
I stood up " yes, miss?", " so? What is the answer?" Ms. Luka asked, " I'm sorry miss, but could you please repeat the question?" I asked, earning a few snickers from the class. Ms. Luka sighed, and shook her head, her long pink hair following her movement, " what is the atomic symbol for magnesium?" I silently gulped, crap, I wasn't listening I thought, ((sorry, bear with me while my italics button isn't working)) I closed my eyes and turned on one of my powers; mind reading .

My hearing was immediately flooded with now audible thoughts, as I glanced towards one of the smartest students who was looking at me with pride in her eyes, my hearing focused on her thoughts, 'pfft, the answer is obviously Mg' she thought, she then scoffed as I turned towards Ms. Luka, and said " Mg " she nodded in response and motioned for me to sit down.

I turned my powers off, then The teacher then noticed someone else not paying attention, a boy in a brown and beige-ish sweater hoodie, he was silently looking down as he cracked his neck, " Rogers! Pay attention!" Ms.Luka scolded, as the entire class erupted in laughter, well the whole class excluding me. The boy looked down and put on his hood, mumbling and twitching, I sigh, I kinda felt sorry for his bullies, who knows he just might take revenge on them. I just might hangout with this Rogers kid sometime, I thought, what's his first name again? Tory... Tony... Toby.. Oh, right! His name was Toby Rogers! I thought while taking another glance at him.

Just then, the bell rang, now i can execute my plan. I stood up and headed for the door along with other students, before noticing that Toby hadn't moved. I have had a hard life. I know what it feels like to be bullied.

I smiled softly and walked towards him, then I slid a piece of my fave candy on the table, towards him. He looked up, surprise and disbelief written in his face, but before he could speak I cut him off, " you can have it, oh, and if you need a friend, you can look for me, okay? Oh and by the way, the name's y/n." I said with a smile on my face. Then I walked off towards my locker.

" hey, what's with you and Rogers?" C/n asked, an unnoticeable amount of jealousy laced his words softly. I smirked," aaaawww, is little h/l/n jealous??" I giggled, hiding the blush that threatened to appear on my face. He huffed and puffed his cheeks in response, i guess you could call him a hufflepuff!!.....no? Okay. but that won't stop me or my puns!! I'll just keep 'er goin'!!

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